Complete Cancer Care (2024)

Term Life Insurance

A term life insurance plan that provides comprehensive support every step of the way, from diagnosis to remission.

Be covered every step of the way with Complete Cancer Care

Dealing with unforeseen illnesses, such as cancer, can be highly stressful. It can affect your and your family’s mental health and financial stability, especially when cancer treatments are costly. Hence, it is important to strengthen your financial protection with Complete Cancer Care, so you and your loved ones can focus on cancer treatment and recovery without worrying about additional financial stress.

Complete Cancer Care (1)

Why you need Complete Cancer Care?

Cancer can strike anytime, and treatments can be costly. Build a strong financial foundation and be covered against cancer for peace of mind.

Complete Cancer Care (2)

What does our plan offer?

Complete Cancer Care is a term life insurance plan that provides comprehensive support every step of the way, from diagnosis to remission, by providing monthly payouts[4]for up to 24 months and waiver[2]of future premiums for a specified period upon the diagnosis of major cancer.

Complete Cancer Care (3)

Where can you get help?

You’re not alone in the cancer journey. Resources and a network of support are available during this challenging period.

Find support offered by 365 Cancer Prevention Society here.

Breast Cancer Foundation Support Groups offer a safe, caring space for those affected by breast cancer to share, learn, and cope. You may contact them anytime through their helpline at 6356 0123 or reach out on WhatsApp at 9695 3264.

How can Complete Cancer Care alleviate the financial burden of cancer treatment.

  • Complete Cancer Care (5)

    Choose between 2 options, Care 50 and Care 100, for the lump sum payout under our Major Cancer Benefit[1].

  • Complete Cancer Care (6)

    Future premiums waived[2] for a specified period up to the end of the policy term upon the diagnosis of major cancer.

  • Complete Cancer Care (7)

    First in Singapore to provide guaranteed post-cancer cover option[3] - purchase a new term plan for extra coverage upon the diagnosis of advanced stage major cancer.

  • Complete Cancer Care (8)

    Receive up to 1% of the sum assured per month for up to 24 months[4] to help reduce the out-of-pocket expenses for cancer treatment.

  • Complete Cancer Care (9)

    Receive 10% of the sum assured[5] for hospice and palliative care.

  • Complete Cancer Care (10)

    Receive up to 100% of the sum assured in the event of accidental death[6]. You will also be covered for non-accidental death[7].

Receive support throughout every stage

of the cancer journey.

Complete Cancer Care covers you against all stages of cancer. Choose your preferred payout option:

Stages of Major Cancer Care 50 Care 100
Early or Intermediate Stage Should the insured be diagnosed with early or intermediate stage major cancer during the term of the policy
50% of the sum assured 100% of the sum assured
Advanced Stage Should the insured be diagnosed with advanced stage major cancer during the term of the policy, and a claim is paid for early or intermediate stage major cancer
50% of the sum assured N.A
Should the insured be diagnosed with advanced stage major cancer during the term of the policy, and a claim is not paid for early or intermediate stage major cancer
100% of the sum assured 100% of the sum assured

Set your mind at ease knowing that your future premiums will be waived[2] for a specified period up to the end of the policy term upon the diagnosis of major cancer. The remaining benefits that are unclaimed will still be available to you.

Stages of Major Cancer Waiver Period
Care 50 Care 100
Early or Intermediate Stage Waived for a period of up to 60 months or till the end of the policy term, whichever is earlier Waived till the end of the policy term
Advanced Stage Waived till the end of the policy term

Receive a stream of monthly payout[4] for up to 24 months to support the costs of cancer treatment with our Monthly Cancer Therapy Benefit, which provides comprehensive coverage for cell, tissue or gene therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy.

Stages of Major Cancer Number of monthly payouts Care 50 Care 100
Early or Intermediate Stage Up to 12 0.5% of the sum assured (per month) 1% of the sum assured (per month)
Advanced Stage Up to 24

Find out more about how Complete Cancer Care can meet your needs.

Let us walk you through Complete Cancer Care.

  • Complete Cancer Care (18)

    45 years old

    Jane’s policy isrenewed1 automatically without further underwriting. She now pays a monthly premium of$152.

    Complete Cancer Care (19)

    Complete Cancer Care (20)

    Complete Cancer Care (21)

    46 years old

    Jane is diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and has started chemotherapy.

    She receives$150,0002 (100% of the sum assured).

    She also receives$1,5003 monthly (1% of the sum assured) for 12 months to help alleviate treatment expenses.
    Total = $18,000

    Hermonthly future premiums of $152 are waived4 till the end of the policy term.

    Complete Cancer Care (22)

    48 years old

    Jane suffers a relapse and is diagnosed with advanced-stage breast cancer. She starts chemotherapy.

    Jane also exercisedguaranteed post-cancer cover option5and purchasedStar Term Protect plan.
    Sum assured: $150,000
    Covers death, terminal illness and total and permanent disability (TPD).

    She receives$1,5003 monthly (1% of the sum assured) for 12 months.
    Total = $18,000

    Jane’s policy will continue with the remaining benefits until the end of the policy term:

    • Non-accidental death6: $5,000
    • Accidental death7: up to 100% of the sum assured
    • Cancer Hospice Care benefit8: 10% of the sum assured

    Complete Cancer Care (23)

    Complete Cancer Care (24)

    Complete Cancer Care (25)

    55 years old

    Jane’s policy has ended, and she remains covered by herStar Term Protect plan.

    Complete Cancer Care (26)

    60 years old

    She suffered a stroke which resulted in total and permanent disability from the paralysis of one side of her body. She receives$150,0005 (100% of the sum assured) from herStar Term Protect plan.

    Complete Cancer Care (27)

    The above figures are for illustrative purposes only and are rounded to the nearest dollar.

    1The policy will be renewed for another 10 years based on the following conditions:

    • If the policyholder has selected Care 50 and no claim is made on Premium Waiver Benefit for advanced stage major cancer and insured is below age 75 last birthday at the timethe policy is due for renewal; or
    • If the policyholder has selected Care 100 and no claim is made on Premium Waiver Benefit and insured is below age 75 last birthday at the time the policy is due for renewal.

    2If the insured is diagnosed with an early, intermediate or advanced stage major cancer by a specialist during the term of the policy, Income will pay the Major CancerBenefit according to the selected option. The total payout of this benefit will not exceed 100% of the sum assured. The option must be selected at policy inception and cannotbe changed. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within90 days from the cover start date.

    If the policyholder selected Care 50, any payment made for early or intermediate stage Major Cancer Benefit will reduce any payout for advanced stage by the same amount that Incomepays for the early or intermediate stage. The early or intermediate stage Major Cancer Benefit can only be claimed once. This benefit will end when Income makes payment for advancedstage major cancer. The policy will continue to apply even if this benefit ends.

    If the policyholder selected Care 100, this benefit will end when Income makes payment for any of the 3 stages of major cancer. The policy will continue even if this benefit ends.

    3Income will pay a Monthly Cancer Therapy Benefit as long as the insured is diagnosed with major cancer by a specialist and recommended in writing that the treatment isa necessary medical treatment for cancer according to relevant guidelines from Ministry of Health (MOH) and has started cancer treatment as advised by a specialist. Income willmake the first payment starting from the policy month immediately after the cancer treatment start date. For more details on the types of cancer treatment, please refer to thepolicy conditions. The maximum amount Income will pay for this benefit is $60,000 per life. Income will not pay more than a total number of 12 payouts for early or intermediatestage major cancer. If the insured has already received payouts during early stage, there will not be further payouts during intermediate stage. The sum of the total number ofpayouts for this benefit will not exceed 24 payouts. The number of payouts for the advanced stage major cancer will be 24 less the number of payouts Income have paid for the earlyor intermediate stage major cancer under this benefit. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with, anystage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.

    4Income will pay the Premium Waiver Benefit according to your selected option under the Major Cancer Benefit.

    • If the policyholder selected Care 50, upon diagnosis of early or intermediate stage major cancer, Income will waive the premiums up to 60 months or end of policy term,whichever is earlier, and the policyholder will have to pay premiums thereafter. This benefit for early or intermediate stage major cancer can only be claimed once.Income will waive the premiums until the end of policy term upon diagnosis of advanced stage major cancer.
    • If the policyholder selected Care 100, Income will waive the premiums until the end of policy term upon diagnosis of any stage of major cancer.

    The premium waiver will start from the policy month immediately after the diagnosis date of the major cancer. The policy will continue to apply for the remaining unclaimed benefitsduring this premium waiver period even though the policyholder is not paying the premiums. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigationsfor, or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date.

    5Upon diagnosis with advanced stage major cancer, the insured may choose to take up a new term policy with only death, terminal illness and total and permanent disability(TPD) benefits on the insured own life, without Income having to assess their health. The waiting period of the new term policy is 2 years. If the insured makes a claim onthe new term policy during the 2 years of waiting period, Income will refund 100% of the premiums paid on the term policy issued under this option.

    The sum assured for the new term policy will be limited to:

    • 100% of the sum assured for this policy; or
    • $200,000 per life

    aggregating policies issued under the guaranteed post-cancer cover option, whichever is lower.

    Income will decide the type of new policy to be offered and the insured must meet all the following conditions to take up this option:

    • The insured must take up this option within 6 months from the date of claim admittance of the advanced stage major cancer benefit.
    • The insured must not be totally and permanently disabled, terminally ill or be diagnosed with an advanced-stage dread disease other than major cancer, at the time of takingup this option.
    • The insured must be 60 years old last birthday or under at the time of taking up this option.

    6If the insured dies (not as a result of an accident) in the first policy year, Income will pay 100% of the total premiums paid. If the insured dies (due to reasonsother than accidental) after the first policy year, $5,000 will be paid if death happens before the policy anniversary immediately after the insured reaches age 60 last birthdayor $10,000 will be paid if death happens on or after the policy anniversary immediately after insured age of 60 last birthday. The payout will be reduced by any amounts thatare owed to Income. The policy will end when this payment is made.

    7Accidental death benefit is payable only if the insured’s death happens within 365 days of the accident and during the policy term. 100% of the sum assured will bepaid out for this benefit only if the insured is not participating in a restricted activity at the time of the accident. If the insured is participating in a restricted activityat the time of the accident, this benefit will be reduced to 30% of the sum assured. The payout will be reduced by any amounts that are owed to Income. The policy will endwhen this payment is made. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.

    8Income will pay 10% of the sum assured if the insured is successfully admitted to an inpatient palliative care facility or engaged the home palliative or day palliativecare services from providers listed by Singapore Hospice Council (SHC) during the policy term. The insured must be diagnosed with terminal cancer by a specialist and a referralfor palliative care services made by a specialist is required. Providers listed by SHC, which may be updated from time to time, can be found benefit will terminate after this benefit is claimed in full. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosedwith, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date.

    © 2023 Income. All rights reserved.

  • Mr Tan, 50 years old, non-smoker, is looking for a term life insurance plan to provide protection against cancer. Although he has diabetes1, he is still ableto sign up for Complete Cancer Care plan with a sum assured of$100,000.

    Complete Cancer Care (30)

    Complete Cancer Care (31)

    50 years old

    Mr Tan signs up for Complete Cancer Care. He choosesCare 50 with a sum assured of$100,000 and pays a yearlypremium of$772.

    Complete Cancer Care (32)

    60 years old

    Mr Tan’s policy isrenewed2automatically without further underwriting. Henow pays a yearly premium of$2,470.

    Complete Cancer Care (33)

    Complete Cancer Care (34)

    Complete Cancer Care (35)

    65 years old

    Mr Tan is diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer and has started radiotherapy.

    He receives$100,0003 (100% of the sum assured).

    He also receives$5004 monthly (0.5% of the sum assured) for 24 months to help alleviate treatment expenses.
    Total = $12,000

    Hisyearly future premiums of $2,470 are waived5 till the end of the policy term.

    Complete Cancer Care (36)

    66 years old

    Mr Tan’s condition deteriorates to a terminal stage and admits into an inpatient hospice palliative care facility based on his doctor’s referral.

    He receives$10,0006 (10% of the sum assured).

    Complete Cancer Care (37)

    67 years old

    Mr Tan passes on due to his illness. His beneficiary receives a death benefit of$10,0007. The policy terminatesthereafter.

    The above figures are for illustrative purposes only and are rounded to the nearest dollar.

    1This plan is not guaranteed acceptance and is subjected to underwriting. Income will not pay any benefits if your claim arises from a material pre-existing conditionthat was not told to Income. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.

    2The policy will be renewed for another 10 years based on the following conditions:

    • If the policyholder has selected Care 50 and no claim is made on Premium Waiver Benefit for advanced stage major cancer and insured is below age 75 last birthday at thetime the policy is due for renewal; or
    • If the policyholder has selected Care 100 and no claim is made on Premium Waiver Benefit and insured is below age 75 last birthday at the time the policy is due for renewal.

    3If the insured is diagnosed with an early, intermediate or advanced stage major cancer by a specialist during the term of the policy, Income will pay the Major CancerBenefit according to the selected option. The total payout of this benefit will not exceed 100% of the sum assured. The option must be selected at policy inception and cannotbe changed. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time beforeor within 90 days from the cover start date.

    If the policyholder selected Care 50, any payment made for early or intermediate stage Major Cancer Benefit will reduce any payout for advanced stage by the same amount that Incomepays for the early or intermediate stage. The early or intermediate stage Major Cancer Benefit can only be claimed once. This benefit will end when Income makes payment foradvanced stage major cancer. The policy will continue to apply even if this benefit ends.

    If the policyholder selected Care 100, this benefit will end when Income makes payment for any of the 3 stages of major cancer. The policy will continue even if this benefit ends.

    4Income will pay a Monthly Cancer Therapy Benefit as long as the insured is diagnosed with major cancer by a specialist and recommended in writing that the treatmentis a necessary medical treatment for cancer according to relevant guidelines from Ministry of Health (MOH) and has started cancer treatment as advised by a specialist. Incomewill make the first payment starting from the policy month immediately after the cancer treatment start date. For more details on the types of cancer treatment, please referto the policy conditions. The maximum amount Income will pay for this benefit is $60,000 per life. Income will not pay more than a total number of 12 payouts for early orintermediate stage major cancer. If the insured has already received payouts during early stage, there will not be further payouts during intermediate stage. The sum of thetotal number of payouts for this benefit will not exceed 24 payouts. The number of payouts for the advanced stage major cancer will be 24 less the number of payouts Incomehave paid for the early or intermediate stage major cancer under this benefit. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for,or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.

    5Income will pay the Premium Waiver Benefit according to your selected option under the Major Cancer Benefit.

    • If the policyholder selected Care 50, upon diagnosis of early or intermediate stage major cancer, Income will waive the premiums up to 60 months or end of policy term, whichever is earlier,and the policyholder will have to pay premiums thereafter. This benefit for early or intermediate stage major cancer can only be claimed once. Income will waive the premiums untilthe end of policy term upon diagnosis of advanced stage major cancer.
    • If the policyholder selected Care 100, Income will waive the premiums until the end of policy term upon diagnosis of any stage of major cancer.

    The premium waiver will start from the policy month immediately after the diagnosis date of the major cancer. The policy will continue to apply for the remaining unclaimed benefits duringthis premium waiver period even though the policyholder is not paying the premiums. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or wasdiagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date.

    6Income will pay 10% of the sum assured if the insured is successfully admitted to an inpatient palliative care facility or engaged the home palliative or day palliative care servicesfrom providers listed by Singapore Hospice Council (SHC) during the policy term. The insured must be diagnosed with terminal cancer by a specialist and a referral for palliative careservices made by a specialist is required. Providers listed by SHC, which may be updated from time to time, can be found benefit will terminate after this benefit is claimed in full. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with,any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date.

    7If the insured dies (not as a result of an accident) in the first policy year, Income will pay 100% of the total premiums paid. If the insured dies (due to reasons other thanaccidental) after the first policy year, $5,000 will be paid if death happens before the policy anniversary immediately after the insured reaches age 60 last birthday or $10,000 willbe paid if death happens on or after the policy anniversary immediately after insured age of 60 last birthday. The payout will be reduced by any amounts that are owed to Income. The policywill end when this payment is made.

    © 2023 Income. All rights reserved.

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Term Life Insurance

Complete Cancer Care

  • Complete Cancer Care (38) Cancer coverage
  • Complete Cancer Care (39) Regular premium payment
  • Complete Cancer Care (40) Guaranteed renewal when policy expires
  • Complete Cancer Care (41) Coverage for a fixed term
  • Complete Cancer Care (42) Designed for seniors

Complete Cancer Care (43)

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Term Life Insurance

  • Complete Cancer Care (44)Guaranteed renewal when policy expires
  • Complete Cancer Care (45)Total and permanent disability protection
  • Complete Cancer Care (46)Terminal illness protection
  • Complete Cancer Care (47)Regular premium payment

Learn more

Complete Cancer Care (49)

Your policy toolkit.

Complete Cancer Care (50)

For policyholders

Minimum entry age (last birthday)Maximum entry age (last birthday)

For the insured

Minimum entry age (last birthday)Maximum entry age (last birthday)

^Parents cannot be the policyholder on their child who are 18 years old (age last birthday) and above at the point of application.

You can make your payments monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly.

Printed brochure (English)

Printed brochure (Chinese)

Policy Conditions

Your queries answered.

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Complete Cancer Care (54)

Important notes

  1. If the insured is diagnosed with an early, intermediate or advanced stage major cancer by a specialist during the term of the policy, Income will pay the Major Cancer Benefit according to the selected option. The total payout of this benefit will not exceed 100% of the sum assured. The option must be selected at policy inception and cannot be changed. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date.
    If the policyholder selected Care 50, any payment made for early or intermediate stage Major Cancer Benefit will reduce any payout for advanced stage by the same amount that Income pays for the early or intermediate stage. The early or intermediate stage Major Cancer Benefit can only be claimed once. This benefit will end when Income makes payment for advanced stage major cancer. The policy will continue to apply even if this benefit ends.
    If the policyholder selected Care 100, this benefit will end when Income makes payment for any of the 3 stages of major cancer. The policy will continue even if this benefit ends.
  2. Income will pay the Premium Waiver Benefit according to your selected option under the Major Cancer Benefit.
    - If the policyholder selected Care 50, upon diagnosis of early or intermediate stage major cancer, Income will waive the premiums up to 60 months or end of policy term, whichever is earlier, and the policyholder will have to pay premiums thereafter. This benefit for early or intermediate stage major cancer can only be claimed once. Income will waive the premiums until the end of policy term upon diagnosis of advanced stage major cancer.
    - If the policyholder selected Care 100, Income will waive the premiums until the end of policy term upon diagnosis of any stage of major cancer.
    The premium waiver will start from the policy month immediately after the diagnosis date of the major cancer. The policy will continue to apply for the remaining unclaimed benefits during this premium waiver period even though the policyholder is not paying the premiums. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date.
  3. Upon diagnosis with advanced stage major cancer, the insured may choose to take up a new term policy with only death, terminal illness and total and permanent disability (TPD) benefits on the insured own life, without Income having to assess their health. The waiting period of the new term policy is 2 years. If the insured makes a claim on the new term policy during the 2 years of waiting period, Income will refund 100% of the premiums paid on the term policy issued under this option.
    The sum assured for the new term policy will be limited to:
    - 100% of the sum assured for this policy; or
    - $200,000 per life
    aggregating policies issued under the guaranteed post-cancer cover option, whichever is lower.
    Income will decide the type of new policy to be offered and the insured must meet all the following conditions to take up this option:
    - The insured must take up this option within 6 months from the date of claim admittance of the advanced stage major cancer benefit.
    - The insured must not be totally and permanently disabled, terminally ill or be diagnosed with an advanced-stage dread disease other than major cancer, at the time of taking up this option.
    - The insured must be 60 years old last birthday or under at the time of taking up this option.
  4. Income will pay a Monthly Cancer Therapy Benefit as long as the insured is diagnosed with major cancer by a specialist and recommended in writing that the treatment is a necessary medical treatment for cancer according to relevant guidelines from Ministry of Health (MOH) and has started cancer treatment as advised by a specialist. Income will make the first payment starting from the policy month immediately after the cancer treatment start date. For more details on the types of cancer treatment, please refer to the policy conditions. The maximum amount Income will pay for this benefit is $60,000 per life. Income will not pay more than a total number of 12 payouts for early or intermediate stage major cancer. If the insured has already received payouts during early stage, there will not be further payouts during intermediate stage. The sum of the total number of payouts for this benefit will not exceed 24 payouts. The number of payouts for the advanced stage major cancer will be 24 less the number of payouts Income have paid for the early or intermediate stage major cancer under this benefit. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.
  5. Income will pay 10% of the sum assured if the insured is successfully admitted to an inpatient palliative care facility or engaged the home palliative or day palliative care services from providers listed by Singapore Hospice Council (SHC) during the policy term. The insured must be diagnosed with terminal cancer by a specialist and a referral for palliative care services made by a specialist is required. Providers listed by SHC, which may be updated from time to time, can be found at The benefit will terminate after this benefit is claimed in full. Income will not pay this benefit if the insured suffered symptoms of, had investigations for, or was diagnosed with, any stage of major cancer any time before or within 90 days from the cover start date.
  6. Accidental death benefit is payable only if the insured’s death happens within 365 days of the accident and during the policy term. 100% of the sum assured will be paid out for this benefit only if the insured is not participating in a restricted activity at the time of the accident. If the insured is participating in a restricted activity at the time of the accident, this benefit will be reduced to 30% of the sum assured. The payout will be reduced by any amounts that are owed to Income. The policy will end when this payment is made. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.
  7. If the insured dies (not as a result of an accident) in the first policy year, Income will pay 100% of the total premiums paid. If the insured dies (due to reasons other than accidental) after the first policy year, $5,000 will be paid if death happens before the policy anniversary immediately after the insured reaches age 60 last birthday or $10,000 will be paid if death happens on or after the policy anniversary immediately after insured age of 60 last birthday. The payout will be reduced by any amounts that are owed to Income. The policy will end when this payment is made.

There are certain conditions whereby the benefits under this plan will not be payable. You can refer to your policy contract for the precise terms, conditions and exclusions of the plan. The policy contract will be issued when your application is accepted.

Important Notes

This is for general information only. You can find the usual terms, conditions and exclusions of this plan in thepolicy conditions. All our products are developed to benefit our customers but not all may be suitable for your specific needs. If you are unsure if this plan is suitable for you, we strongly encourage you to speak to a qualified insurance advisor. Otherwise, you may end up buying a plan that does not meet your expectations or needs. As a result, you may not be able to afford the premiums or get the insurance protection you want. This plan does not have any cash value.

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Income Insurance or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or

This advertisem*nt has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Information is correct as at 31 May 2024.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.