(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet … · 2020. 2. 23. · Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)

The POA is proud to introduce you to the other members of the 2016 Board of Directors (you met the officers in the January issue).

As you can see from the resumes below, we have a very talented group of volunteers. We all look forward to working together to carry out the mission of our Association.

Kenneth Copp: Ken comes from the great state of Michigan where he worked as a Pro-duction Coordinator & Business Analyst for Steelcase Inc. for 35 years. After retiring in 2005 he volunteered at the American Red Cross in Information Technology & Finance Operations. Ken is a 2003 M.O.S. Certified (Microsoft Office Specialist) and has exten-sive experience developing Microsoft Access Databases and Excel spreadsheet programs. He has a Degree in Architectural Drafting and Construction and was a Licensed Residential Builder in Michigan for over 30 years. In ad-dition, Ken was a State Licensed Boiler Engi-neer for over 20 years.

His career also includes 21 years in the U.S. Navy and he is a Vietnam Veteran. He is a Lifetime member of the N.E.R.A. (Naval Enlisted Reserve Association) and has held the office of Secretary and Vice President of the Local chapter in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Ken is also a member of the Knights of Columbus 3rd & 4th Degree and has held nu-merous offices in both along with being a

Meet Your 2016 POA Directors

February 2016 Free Copy

Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 The POA Website - www.poa4us.org Issue 42.02

All Residents Welcome - Come and Join Us!

Audio and Visual in Overflow Room Followed by Questions & Answers

Donuts and Coffee For All After The Meeting

It is the time of year when we see increased traffic and lots of visitors in The Villages. Please note that there have been at least SIXTEEN golf cart related FATALITIES in The Villages in the last eight years, and over three dozen golf cart users who had to be trauma alerted to a hospital with head injuries during the last four years.

Each month, starting with the February 2012 POA Bulletin and ending in April, 2014 (you can find all of them on the poa4us.org website - click on "archived bulletins), we have included a listing of all of the accidents (with as much description as we had available) that we were aware of, and identified that al-most all of them involved either someone fall-

(Continued on page 2)



Third Tuesday of the Month - 7 PM Laurel Manor Recreation Center

member of the 4th Degree Color Corp. The most notable being Charter Grand Knight (3 yrs), Grand Knight (3 yrs), District Deputy (5 yrs), Diocesan Membership Director (1 yr), Fi-nancial Secretary (12 yrs).

Ken and his wife Joyce moved to the Vil-lage of Duval in December 2007.

Myron Henry: Myron Henry is a native of Peru, Indiana. He received a BS from Ball State University and an MS and Ph.D. from Colorado State University. Henry has served as a mathematics professor and administrator at Montana State University, Central Michi-gan University, Old Dominion University (VA), Kent State University (OH) and the University of Southern Mississippi.

Deed Compliance and Architectural Review Process

Presented by Diane Tucker, VCCDD Administrative Operations Manager

His wife Mary is a former teacher and uni-versity financial aid officer. Mary and Myron are the proud parents of daughters Carrie and Anita (both in Traverse City, MI), and the proud grandparents of seven-year old Abby Lynn (Carrie) and three-year old Marin Hazel (Anita). They moved to the Village of Hadley in July 2008.

An Eagle Scout, Henry has served on the Great Trails (OH) and Tidewater (VA) Coun-cils of the BSA.

(Continued on page 2)

Golf Carts Are NOT Toys! Don’t Be A Statistic!

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (2)

POA Mission Statement

The Property Owners' Association of The Villages is an independent organization devoted to our home ownership experience.

The Vision/Objective of the POA is to make The Villages an even better place in which to live, where Residents' Rights are respected, and local governments are responsive to the needs and interests of residents.

The POA serves Villagers through programs of education, research, analysis, representation, advocacy, and legislative action.

The POA also functions as a "watchdog" or-ganization overseeing the actions of our Devel-oper and our local governments.

Specific POA attention is focused on housing, community, neighborhood, and local government issues. Special emphasis is focused on the Amenity Authority Committee (AAC), our Com-munity Development Districts (CDDs), the Flori-da Chapter 190 law that regulates CDD opera-tions, and our Developer.

The POA has no ties or obligations to the De-veloper of The Villages which might compro-mise the POA position or its advocacy of Resi-dents' Rights.

The POA, founded in 1975, is the original homeowners' organization in The Villages. Mem-bership is open to all Villages residents. □

The Villages Residents'

Bill of Rights

RESIDENTS have RIGHTS to: 1. Be treated in a respectful, fair, and respon-

sive manner by the Developer and our local government officials.

2. Have decision making authority for im-portant issues in our community.

3. Elect our top government officials and ap-prove appointments of the top administrative officials in our community.

4. Approve major purchases of common prop-erty and the related debt obligations assumed by residents.

5. Have local governments that are free of any conflict of interest issues.

6. Be charged honest monthly amenity fees that are used only for the stated purposes.

7. Receive full disclosure when purchasing a home here in The Villages.

8. Receive an objective market appraisal for major purchases of common property.

9. Receive objective, unbiased, unslanted news reporting from local news sources.

10. Be informed beforehand by the Developer on any major change in our community. □

February, 2016 Page 2 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975

2016 POA Directors Sal Torname: Sal was born and raised in

Massachusetts and became a full time resident of The Villages in 2011.

He worked in the telecommunications in-dustry for nearly 40 years starting with New England Telephone, now Verizon, and ending his career with General Service Administra-tion, a Federal Agency providing communica-tion services to other Federal Agencies. His assignments involved routinely working with large and small telephone companies and act-ing as a liaison between those companies and agencies to negotiate a variety of telephone agreements and contracts.

While employed, Sal became active in many civic and charitable organizations in-cluding service on Conservation Commission and was elected to his town's Planning Board.

He served as a Massachusetts Baldrige Na-tional Quality Award Examiner, from 1995-1997.

Sal received a BS Degree from Salem State College in Business Administration and a MS Degree from Anna Maria Collage in Quality Management. He now lives in St. James vil-lage with his wife Kathleen and has two daughters and four grandchildren.

Sal was elected to serve as a CDD8 Supervi-sor in 2012 and continues to hold that position.

Jerry Vicenti: Jerry was born and raised in Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry worked in the Procurement Depart-ment as a Buyer and Contract Administrator and supervised the uniforms services depart-ment, and the construction, operation and se-curity of the Brooklyn Cruise Ship Terminal.

He served as Trustee on the Supervisor's Union Executive Board, worked in the World Trade Center Recovery Unit in 1993 & 9/11,

(Continued from page 1)

The POA Bulletin is published monthly by the Property Owners' Association of The Villages, Inc. Articles represent the opinion of the POA or the writer, and Letters to the Editor postings represent the opin-ions of the writers. Care is taken to ensure that facts reported herein are true and accurate to the best knowledge of the POA and are taken from reliable sources.

The POA assumes no liability for any information published, opinions expressed, or delivery to any per-son or location. The POA does not endorse or recom-mend the products or services of any advertiser or dis-count partner. All publication rights are reserved. Publication or reprinting of any material contained herein is by written permission only.

and also worked with Secret Service and Homeland Security Department. Jerry re-ceived Special Citation awards for his work in the WTC Recovery Unit.

Jerry and his wife Annette moved to the Village of Hemingway in June of 2008. He joined the POA board in February 2011 and currently he's Director of Membership.

In November 2012, Jerry was elected to the Community Development District 7 Board of Supervisors in The Villages, representing the Villages of Hemingway, Duval, Bonita & Hadley. As District 7 Supervisor, he also serves on the Governance Improvement Com-mittee and an alternate on the Project Wide Advisory Committee.

In his spare time, Jerry is President of The Italian Paisans Club and seven days a week you can see Jerry cycling on the south side of 466 in The Villages. Jerry has cycled over 7,000 miles a year for the last six years. □

Golf Carts Are Not Toys!

ing out of a cart, or being ejected from the cart onto the pavement.

OUR MESSAGE IS THAT WE BE-LIEVE YOU MIGHT BE SAFER IF YOU USE A SEAT BELT, but the usage of seat belts in golf carts is not required by Florida Statutes so it is your choice.

It was not until last year that the Florida Highway Patrol and local law enforcement departments kept statistics on golf cart related crashes. Therefore, the POA is trying to make residents aware of the potential dangers that can face both golf cart drivers and pas-sengers, be they on the recreation trails or the roadways shared with automobiles and trucks.


(Continued from page 1)

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (3)


Paying a membership fee of $10.00 per year is an investment in your future as you will be helping to keep the POA financially sound and your membership numbers will in-crease our “clout” if action needs to be taken.

The POA membership year runs from Jan-uary 1 through December 31. POA members will have access to discounts provided by our Discount Partners (See page 22). POA mem-bers who have provided us with an email ad-dress will receive our monthly POA Email

If You Appreciate the Efforts the POA Makes on Your Behalf, You Can Show Us Now! Send in Your Membership Application Today!

The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org February, 2016 Page 3


□ One year - 2016 - $10 per/household

□ Two years - 2016/2017 - $20 per/household □ Three years - 2016/2017/2018 - $30 per/household


POA 2016 AND BEYOND MEMBERSHIP & CONTRIBUTION FORM Please complete each section and return to: The POA, P.O. Box 386, Oxford, FL 34484 □ New Member □ Renewal Number of People in Household: _____

PLEASE PRINT! or Use the ONLINE FORM found on our website POA4US.ORG

NAME(S)(1)_______________________________________________________________________________ (SAME LAST NAME)

NAME(S)(2)_______________________________________________________________________________ (DIFFERENT LAST NAME)

ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________

VILLAGE_____________________________________________VILLAGES ID#________________

CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE__________________________________________________

PHONE __________________________________________________________________________________

EMAIL __________________________________________________________________________________ (We respect your privacy. Your email address is for POA Official use ONLY)

MEMBERSHIP DUES (Please Select One):

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION IF DESIRED: Please accept my additional contribution to the POA in the following amount: $___________ TOTAL AMOUNT FOR DUES AND ANY CONTRIBUTIONS: $___________

□ Enclosed is a Stamped, Self-Addressed □ Please hold my POA Membership Envelope, along with this form and my check. Card for me to pick up at one of the Please mail my Membership Card to me. monthly POA Meetings.

As stated in the POA’s mission statement, we exist and function as a “watch dog” for the residents of The Villages. Established in 1975, we are the original homeowners’ association with no ties and/or affiliations to the Develop-er, Local Governments, or Business interests. The POA strives to make The Villages an even better place in which to live, where Resi-dents’ Rights are respected and local govern-ment and the Developer are responsive to the needs and interests of everyone living in Flori-da’s friendliest hometown.

We publish a monthly Bulletin delivered to the driveway of all homeowners, regardless of whether or not they are an active POA mem-ber, (unless you contact us at 352-325-1540) in our effort to keep each of you informed of facts about issues which may not have been clearly or fully presented in other media.

Newsletter reminding them of the speaker and date of the upcoming monthly POA member-ship meeting, as well as Special Alerts about any important matter on a timelier basis than what our Monthly Bulletin can provide.

We are now accepting 2016 POA member-ships ($10 per household). Please use the form below. NOTE, WE DO NOT OFFER A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP, but commencing with the 2016 membership year, we are offer-ing residents the opportunity to join for one, two or three years so as not to have to go through the renewal process every year. □


for Villages Club Meetings Call Cliff Wiener 352-430-8497

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (4)

ance to the medical staff advising that they were not going to renew the contract with Moffitt.”

1) CEO Memo: "The current FCS (Florida Cancer Specialists) research institute affilia-tions also allow them to participate in many clinical trials, so patients in The Villages can be assured they will have access to the latest technology and cancer treatment drug trials.”

POA Question: Do they (Florida Cancer Specialists) have the credentials to participate in the same elite clinical trials as does Moffitt?

Dr. Anderson’s response: “Let's set the stage for cancer treatment. Many cancers re-quire the use of pharmaceuticals and radiation for the best response. Special oral and intra-venous drugs are administered by doctors separate from radiation doctors, since both have totally different training. The knowledge base to do both well would exceed what is reasonable for one person or specialty. That is why they are separate branches of cancer care. One is called medical oncology and the other, radiation oncology.

“Although radiation and pharmaceuticals can be used together, clinical trials are almost entirely drug-based in design, using different or combinations to achieve greater success. If radiation is part of the design, it is used in a "standard" approach, and thus there is no fi-nancial gain with radiation. Since clinical tri-als are heavily endowed by the pharmaceuti-cal industry, it would be reasonable for you to seek an opinion from a medical patient advo-cate NOT financially involved with your en-rollment.

(Continued on page 5)

Page 4 February, 2016 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975

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Moffitt Cancer Center Departure

Were Residents Duped into Donating the Money for Radiation Equipment?

This is a follow-up article from November, 2015 POA Bulletin article (can be found at poa4us.org - click on Bulletins/Archived Bul-letins). We ended that article questioning whether Villages residents will be better off with cancer care under the umbrella of Florida Cancer Specialists (FCS) than they were with Moffitt care. We stated that since the POA is not in a position to evaluate this that we had asked Dr. Norman Anderson, CEO of the Robert Boissoneault Oncology Institute (RBOI) to be the speaker at the POA November mem-bership meeting, and address four questions which we had regarding this situation. The following are quotes from Dr. Anderson’s presentation:

“I believe that Villagers make their best medical decisions when they are empowered. Please question and research every statement that I make for I indicate that much of what you have read in the local media is false. I in-vite the opportunity to discuss in a public fo-rum with the hospital administration each

statement. They have the right...indeed obliga-tion to prove me wrong. My effort is not di-rected toward any individual. It is, however, directed at misguided administrative deci-sions. For your medical care, I implore those making the decisions to do the right thing.

“My comments relate to the recent change orchestrated by the Central Florida Health Alliance administration to terminate their association with the Moffitt Cancer Center, and replace oversight of radiation with a medical oncology group, Florida Cancer Specialists. Although latching onto the word "comprehensive" as somehow creat-ing care that has never existed before, the hos-pital administration has conceived nothing more than a financial bail-out, with no knowledge or appreciation for the adverse medical consequences they create.

“Please also realize that what has been crafted by the local hospital administration is not a reflection on the performance or ability of any treating physician. I have the greatest of respect for the care and concern each doctor has provided you...the patient. I also feel a moral/ethical obligation to ensure that deci-sions for your health are provided without dis-tortion. As a cancer patient, how do you sepa-rate brand names and tailored play-on-word scripts from optimal medical care? Too often, the marketing of cancer treatment has nothing to do with quality or results.

“Four questions posed by the Property Owners’ Association last November are un-doubtedly most relevant. The content for the POA questions was drawn from a memo sent by the CEO of the Central Florida Health Alli-









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(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (5)

The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org February, 2016 Page 5

Moffitt Departure “The definition of an "elite" study is varia-

ble, but I can certainly aid my patient in deter-mining a well thought-out study. Since the majority of these drug-based trials do not in-volve the delivery of radiation as part of the treatment, each professional in our radiation group can view such clinical trials with a re-moved level of objectivity. We will happily provide an opinion on any clinical trial for free.”

2) CEO Memo: "Dr. Kamath will remain the primary physician provider for all radiation on-cology treatments at the same location and will work with the same clinical and support team."

POA Question: Moffitt will no longer have oversight on this radiation department; should that be a concern?

Dr. Anderson’s response: “This question is extremely relevant. Although I am not con-cerned about the physician, since Dr. Kamath is a good doctor, he represents only one com-ponent. Every image pictured in The Villag-es press swirls around a doctor, a treatment machine, and a location, as if that combina-tion somehow provides everything. Not so!

“This is a very simplistic and dangerous under-appreciation for what makes radiation a viable cancer treatment arm. We are very con-cerned about the way radiation treatment is provided...and so should you be. As correctly

(Continued from page 4)

stated in the question, the local "clinical and support team" will no longer have oversight from Moffitt. This critical component includ-ing physics planning and delivery (the sophis-ticated guts of radiation treatment) absolutely must be taken seriously, and is why our prac-tice shows uniqueness of equal merit with that of Moffitt. Ours stayed...Moffitt was sent home. It is that component, either purposely avoided or overlooked by the hospital admin-istration, that makes the treatment of cancer with radiation either optimal...or not.

“To my knowledge and according to the American College of Radiology (ACR) website, none of Florida Cancer Specialists’ facilities, a chemotherapy-based specialty, are currently accredited for radiation treatment. This is not a criticism but ra-ther, these are the obvious limitations that exist when the specialty of medical oncolo-gy was never trained, nor has the level of sophisticated resources, to provide what is expected with radiation oncology. It is med-ically a square peg in a round hole...it doesn't fit. Medical universities don't allow this approach.

“ACR accreditation is equivalent to a basic curriculum, providing minimum standards for an entire treatment facility...beyond a picture of physician, treatment machine, and location. Do we consider ACR status adequate by



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itself? No. It does not address the incentiv-ized bias of internal self-referrals. But for quality of radiation administration, it is a mere beginning. We as a practice go well-beyond those standards. In the past, ACR reviewers have carried with them our physics treatment protocols to be used for future guidelines. Al-so, our practice in the past provided two-day training courses for Florida state inspectors in radiation standards and quality control. I pre-viously served as the only MD physician on the Florida state advisory board for radiation.

“The other extreme treats radiation as a plug-and-play. As such, it is an un-natural ex-tension of chemotherapy-based medical oncol-ogy. Of the consortium of 200 Florida Can-cer Specialist physicians, only 3% are radi-ation oncologists. The numbers indicate an appropriate, but overwhelming focus on their

(Continued on page 6)

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(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (6)

February, 2016 Page 6 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 portant an "o" ring proved to be for a space shuttle? There is all the time in the world later to try and explain what went wrong. When one knows nothing about radiation oncology, critical components go unappreciated. Severe mis-administrations have occurred at other locations, examples of which will be detailed on our website.”

3) CEO Memo: "The same leading edge technology will be in place and will be uti-lized as appropriate."

POA Question: Will the radiation equip-ment be maintained at the same high level as it was under Moffitt supervision?

Dr. Anderson’s response: “Another ex-ceptionally good question...and one I must leave as a question for both of us, because I honestly don't know the answer.”

4) POA Question: How important is it that the medical oncologist be housed under the same roof as the radiation team?”

Dr. Anderson’s response: “This question is spot on! By the hospital administration's very own action, the answer is unequivocally "location is not important at all!" You see, the same local Florida Cancer Specialist medi-

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particular field of medicine, and that is a re-flection of their training in pharmaceutical-based medical oncology.

“However, patients are entitled to re-ceive a level of sophisticated oversight for radiation treatment that now, with the re-moval of Moffitt...no longer exists in that facility. You see, it is the hospital that has created a new missing piece… essentially, a gaping chasm in radiation care from what was once seamless. Do you remember how im-

(Continued from page 5)

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cal oncologists, and the same one radiation oncology physician representing Moffitt, previously resided in the Sharon Morse building for several years together...while Moffitt was present. But now you have paid a price. If location was THE critical factor, why was Moffitt and its sophisticated re-sources booted? The focus on location is the hospital administration's smoke screen to de-flect criticism from, among so many, where your contributions for the radiation equipment went. The "twist" on location is defensive marketing...not medicine.”

“These four questions are only the begin-ning of the conundrum. The stream of white-washed inconsistencies could make a new de-tective series. The difference is that your med-ical outcome will depend upon reality.

“During the final decade of my profession-al career, I would like to see the specialty of radiation be given the respect it deserves, and to see quality medical care delivered without back-room deals, incentives, bailouts, or gap-ing chasms in treatment, with the deepest re-spect for who and what makes a patient's care possible - committed effort given by health providers who put the patient first.

“We encourage you to take an active role in your health care decisions. Please contact us with any other questions or concerns at (352) 259-2200. We are located right next to the hospital. Further details and relevant links will be provided on our website at RBOI.com.” □

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(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)

The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org February, 2016 Page 7

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(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (8)

February, 2016 curred due to the addition of the 67 acres. Ex-amples of the “variable” costs are as follows: all maintenance of both new parcels, including such things as the Villa roads, the two new roads connecting each parcel with CR42, mul-ti-modal paths, landscaping, lighting, and irri-gation in common areas and along roadways, any issues with the drainage and storm water retention systems, including the storm water retention basin included on each parcel, to name a few potential expenses.

3) Mr. Moyer said that “The Villages” be-lieves that District 4 provides the best alterna-tive to provide the infrastructure for these two parcels of land. However, the question re-mains – is this really in the best interests of current CDD4 residents? This is not to say that CDD4 should not accept the acreage – that is up to the CDD4 Board of Supervisors, but if they wish to do so, they might want the Developer to “sweeten the pot”, maybe have an Agreement that The Villages Operating Company would assume maintenance respon-sibility for both of the storm water retention basins for repair of any sinkhole issues, create an alternate golf cart access (than the currently proposed Mulberry Lane) to and from the east parcel, as requested by residents (possible modification of the tee box on hole number 4 or 5 of Ashley Meadows at the Lopez Country

(Continued on page 9)

Page 8 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975

CDD4’s total units, and thus result in a six percent savings (equates to about $21,000 a year) in costs for residents, because they would reduce the CDD4 annual administrative services and “fixed” cost expenses of approxi-mately $365,600 due to more payees (assessable units). In addition to the “fixed” costs above, the new villa units would pay for their “variable costs” described in number (2) be-low through their annual maintenance fees. A projection of what these annual “variable” costs might be would be helpful when evalu-ating this proposed Agreement, in order to ascertain that all new costs incurred from the proposed villa expansion are covered by the annual maintenance assessment fees of the new villa owners, so as not to burden existing CDD4 residents with additional expenses.

The following are a few things that the CDD4 Board might want to look into before their February Board meeting:

1) A cursory look at the adopted 2015-2016 CDD4 budget indicates that the average mainte-nance assessment for the 2015-16 budget year for villas in CDD4, is about $291.00 per year, multiplied by 300 units which equates to about $87,300.

2) As indicated above, approximately $21,000 would go towards CDD4’s fixed costs leaving approximately $66,000 a year for the addi-tional “variable” costs which would be in-

CDD4 Expansion Issues Mr. Gary Moyer, The Villages Vice-President

and Director of Development, provided a pro-ject (the proposed addition of 300 courtyard villa units, along with their required storm water drainage basins into CDD4, two parcels consisting of approximately 67 acres) update to the CDD4 Board and a room full of resi-dents at the January meeting. He advised that The Villages of Lake-Sumter Inc. will formal-ly petition the CDD4 Board for incorporation of the proposed new development into their District at their February 12th Board meeting. (See map on page 11.)

In promoting the acceptance of these prop-erties, Mr. Moyer pointed out that the 300 vil-la units will be paying amenity fees and shar-ing maintenance costs for the operations of CDD4. The amenity fees would go into the VCCDD/Amenity Authority Committee (AAC) budgets and would not contribute to the CDD4 budget, so we (POA) will not address those dollars in this article. He advised that the addition would not affect maintenance as-sessments for residents in current units.

Mr. Moyer further stated that the 300 units would represent approximately six percent of



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(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (9)

CDD4 Expansion February, 2016 Page 9 The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org

that it could equate to a fairly large annual cost, which would have to be paid for by the owners of the 300 units, via their annual non-ad valorem taxes for their CDD maintenance assessment.

If you have an interest in this issue, you should attend the Friday, February 12th CDD4 meeting which begins at 1:30PM and will be conducted at the Savannah Center. You are also welcome to contact any or all of your District Supervisors individually prior to the meeting.

* Jim Murphy - Chair [emailprotected] 259-1581 * Charles Kazlo - Vice Chair [emailprotected] 259-4216 * Don Deakin [emailprotected] 750-5395 * Paul Kelly [emailprotected] 751-3596 * Jim Brockman [emailprotected] 693-2180


Club), or agree to assist the Amenity Authori-ty Committee (AAC) with potential access issues, should the AAC determine that the purchase of the 40 acres on CR42 was in the best interest of the residents living north of CR466 (VCCDD amenity territory).

Lastly, Mr. Moyer was asked what the De-veloper would do if CDD4 said no. He replied that they would petition Marion County to create another CDD (i.e., a CDD12). Any such CDD, even with only 300 units, would have to have a five member Board of Supervi-sors who would have regular monthly meet-ings. They would have to pay for services of the District Manager, the District Attorney, a percentage of general funds to cover budget and financial services for the district, property management, and other community wide ser-vices, road maintenance, landscape mainte-nance and have full responsibility for any storm water retention area issues that might develop. Such a small CDD may not be eco-nomically feasible, or at best, it would appear

(Continued from page 8)

POA Directors Wanted

The POA currently has openings for two Board Directors. We are seeking candidates who want to make The Villages an even better place in which to live, where Residents’ Rights are respected, and the Developer and local govern-ments are responsive to the needs and interests of residents. The POA serves Villagers through programs of education, research, analysis, repre-sentation, advocacy and legislative action.

The POA has no ties or obligations to the De-veloper of The Villages which might compro-mise the POA position or its advocacy of Resi-dents’ Rights. Special emphasis is focused on the Amenity Authority Committee (AAC), Commu-nity Development Districts (CDDs – both resi-dential and commercial), the Project Wide Advi-sory Committee (PWAC), and F.S. 190 that regu-lates CDD operations.

If you have an interest in pursuing one of these Directorships, please contact Cliff Wiener, Presi-dent of the POA, at 352-430-8497 for more infor-mation. □

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)

The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975



purchase it and that this would be an addition-al cost. The AAC members agreed to set this discussion aside until after they receive the appraisals for the Baptist Church Purchase. Old Business:

Capital Project Update: New Wish List – The AAC agreed that fu-

ture requests for new facilities or expensive renovations would not be addressed individu-ally at meetings, but rather, put on the Wish List, and would be prioritized and evaluated during Budget meetings. The following were placed on the Wish List: Additional Petanque Courts; Platform Tennis Courts, Fountain in front of El Santiago Recreation Center, Indoor swimming pool; Replacement of the Fountain on the Saddlebrook executive golf course on CR466; and Wi-Fi concerns at La Hacienda Recreation Center

Schwartz Park – The following renova-tions were scheduled to begin on January 18th: the demolition of the pier; construction of a new picnic pavilion with barbeque station; re-newal of the deck on Lake Paradise; construc-tion of permanent erosion control; site drain-age and new parking areas; installation of new landscaping, lightning and irrigation; and utili-ty service upgrades. The estimated cost is $225,000 with an expected completion date in March.

(Continued on page 11)

February, 2016 Page 10

˙ ˙

Amenity Authority Committee (AAC) Meeting Summary

January 6, 2016 Audience Comments:

A resident suggested that the AAC review the costs to have card readers, which would operate the gates, installed in resident vehicles.

An audience member asked that the vacant property (40 acres) be discussed and asked why it was not on the agenda. At their Decem-ber 9th meeting, the AAC requested that the 40 acres for sale on CR42 just east of the VA Clinic also be looked into by Ms. Tutt. On De-cember 15th she advised the AAC, by email, that she had a productive conversation with

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the property owner, wherein she learned that he is asking $3,000,000 in cash for the proper-ty and is not receptive to any offer or negotia-tion for anything less than the asking price, and that it is staff’s recommendation to not move forward with consideration of the prop-erty for future recreation use, so it was not put on the agenda.

However, a number of residents who live on the east side of Buena Vista Boulevard had come to the meeting in support of purchasing all or a part of the 40 acres for sale east of the VA facility, rather than the Church, and spoke up during audience comments. Their position is that they only have one Neighborhood Rec Center which consists of an adult pool, while residents living west of Buena Vista have a Neighborhood Rec Center with an adult pool, as well as the Chatham Recreation Center with a family pool and a variety of game courts. (The old Church is located only about 1,000 yards north of the Chatham Rec Cen-ter – See map on next page.)

Additionally, residents who live on Clear-view Avenue favor the east side location (40 acres), so as to lessen the impact of increased golf cart traffic on their residential street. They already will have to deal with the resi-dents in the 135 new villa units using their street for golf cart ingress and egress. Ms. Tutt advised that the property would have to be appraised before the District could offer to

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)

The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org February, 2016 Page 11

AAC Meeting

˙ ˙

Old Baptist Church – Staff will provide a status update, including appraisal findings, regarding the old Baptist Church at the Febru-ary AAC meeting.

Saddlebrook Village Recreation Center – The estimated cost to complete the proposed renovations is $1.3 million.

Please go to the www.district.gov website for the Official Minutes, Agendas and Meet-ing Schedule. NEXT AAC MEETING – Wednesday, February 10, 9:00 A.M. at the Savannah Center!

POA NOTE: The Villages District Staff has scheduled an AAC meeting, billed as a “Baptist Church Workshop”, for Thurs-day, March 3rd, at 9:00AM at the Savannah Center. We hope this workshop will be for all residents living north of CR466, (not just CDD4 residents), to provide input on what residents believe would be the most needed additions, just as they did regarding a covered pool, and the new El Santiago and Tierra del Sol Recreation Centers, before any decisions are made regarding whether the old Baptist Church, 20 - 40 acres of the Schilling property on CR42, or both properties should be pur-chased. There appears to be no additional land that could become available for purchase by the AAC. Also, the 40 acres would be the on-ly possibility for residents living north of CR466 to have an additional executive golf course and possibly platform tennis courts and more pickleball courts – the three activities for which there appears to be the greatest need and demand.


(Continued from page 10)

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)

February, 2016 Page 12 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975

The Florida State University (FSU) College of Criminology & Criminal Jus�ce, in partnership with Merrill Lynch and Seniors vs. Crime,

is conduc�ng research on elder financial fraud in The Villages.

The FSU research team is asking for your help in this important study. FSU is seeking par�cipants for interviews that will be held in February 2016.

FSU will use the informa�on gathered from these interviews to gain insight into financial fraud. The study will focus upon iden�fying important risk

and protec�ve factors associated with elder financial fraud.

This research can only be successful with the generous help of residents like you.

Interested in par�cipa�ng in an interview? Contact Dr. George Pesta, FSU College of Criminology & Criminal Jus�ce

at: (850) 645-6101 or by email at [emailprotected]


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(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)

The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org

Look for our Saturday Ad in the Daily Sun

February, 2016 Page 13

We also offer Property Management and Rental Services.

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February, 2016 Page 14 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975

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Recent Forum Q&A

Q1) I attended my first POA meeting and I was impressed with the information provided by your Treasurer. Where does your money come from – what is the source of the funds? A) There are three major sources, namely, membership dues, member contributions and POA Bulletin advertising sales. We spend ap-proximately $120,000 dollars a year to put the monthly POA Bulletin on every driveway in The Villages. Any monies left over are put into a savings account and spent on behalf of the residents when we need it, for things such as legal research and expenses on issues that impact the residents. Note, however, that no Board member receives any of it, as we are all volunteers.

Q2) Can you tell me who District Custom-er Service is and what they do? A) We have a large scale District government which in-cludes the residential districts and commercial districts. The government administration over-sees recreation, golf, property management, Community Watch, fire safety, administration, finances. They also have a department called Customer Service which you can contact with your question or concern and they can direct you to the Department that can help you with your issue. Their number is 352-753-4508. We would suggest that you write it down and put it on your refrigerator. They do a great job and we refer residents to them often.

Q3) I am having a problem with the cable company. They keep changing the rates and I spend hours on the phone, as do my neigh-bors. We need a group to approach them. A) That problem has been expressed a number of times, but all of the carriers are such large cor-porations that even if we got everyone in the Villages to join together, we would not even be a blip on their radar. The only thing we have found that you can do is keep changing carriers, which is a pain. You call them and tell them you are going to switch to another carrier who has offered you a better rate. Most folks have reported that they ask you to wait and let them review your contract. Usually come back with some “current special” and

(Continued on page 16)

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (15)

February, 2016 Page 15

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The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (16)

Forum Q&A February, 2016 Page 16 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975

in the name, which means Algae Resistant. A lot of our neighbors have algae staining which is very visible. It’s streaking, it’s shading and it almost looks like dirt. It’s very invasive. My feeling is that Certain Teed did not use the AR sealant. I was wondering, you had a form in the paper, have you had any feedback? A) We’ve had some feedback and we are keeping track so that if we get enough complaints, we’ll go after it.

Q6) I know this is not a POA problem, but the intersections on CR466 are not marked very well. We have so many tourists, and it’s such a major highway, perhaps the signs over CR466 could be made larger or lighted, or could there be an approach sign, with the name of the cross street in so many feet, prior to the intersection? The Sumter County Road Department hasn’t helped. A) You might try contacting some of the Sumter County Com-missioners and suggest that they bring it for-ward in an upcoming meeting.

Q7) I’ve been in this community for twenty years, I remember the day we couldn’t use golf carts at night and could only drive during the day. We now have the privilege of driving at night, but Morse Blvd has not been updated and

agree to reduce your monthly charge. You hate to have to play the game, but it’s the only thing that seems to help.

Q4) Can residents still use the polo field for their individual activities? A) The polo player entrance gate off of Buena Vista Boule-vard was locked beginning December 15, 2015 until further notice. All clubs will need to enter through the electronic gate at the south end during off season. Walkers and ap-proved Resident Lifestyle Groups will be al-lowed admittance from 7AM - 12PM. The timer is being set and the gate will automati-cally open as each car/golf cart hits the pad during these hours. For further information, please contact Saddlebrook Recreation Center at 352-259-5377.

Q5) We live in the Village of Hemingway. I want to discuss Certain Teed Shingles that you referenced in a very good article, on page 21, of the December Bulletin. The article is about algae staining and fungus growth that is contained within those shingles. We have the Landmark Pro product, which includes (AR)

(Continued from page 14)

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the traffic issue has not been addressed since 2009. The golf cart paths are maintained by the CDD and the County owns the road. They are pushing us back and forth between the two enti-ties. We are saying that Morse Blvd has already caused several major accidents between cars and golf carts. Concerned Villagers need to attend the Sumter County Commission meetings be-cause something needs to be done. A) Thank you very much for sharing this information. □

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (17)

February, 2016 Page 17 The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org gram.)

�� Each resident participant must be in at-tendance to be issued a participation card.

�� Only one participation card will be issued per resident.

�� Doors will open no sooner than 30 minutes prior to activity start time, as printed on the facility permit.

�� Once all the participation cards for that session have been issued, the activity is considered full.

�� Where available overflow rooms will be used, based on day & time.

�� When programs of similar type activities back up to each other, individuals partici-pating in the first session must exit the room (with their equipment) and join the line for the next session. □

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Rec Department Peak Participation

Guidelines When a resident lifestyle volunteer led ac-

tivity is nearing full participation, the Recrea-tion Department has implemented the follow-ing guidelines, in an effort to assist the volun-teers and participants in ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience:

�� Villages’ residents shall have priority for the activity.

�� Due to the attendance at Resident Lifestyle Activities, there are times guest participa-tion will be restricted due to space availabil-ity, in order to accommodate resident de-mand on the activity. We regret any incon-venience this may cause you or your guest.

�� Eligible guests will be issued a number and asked to wait. If a program is not at full capacity the guest will be allowed to participate.

�� Valid ID cards are required for participation. �� A Volunteer Lifestyle Ambassador/Staff

member will help to form a line prior to the activity start time.

�� The participation cards will be issued up to one (1) hour prior to the start of the activity. (Once you get your participation card you have admission into that pro-

Visibility Issues Entering

Roundabouts Janet Tutt, District Manager, advised the

Project Wide Advisory Committee, at their January meeting, that the District is devising a plan to reduce the foliage to improve sight-lines for motorists approaching roundabouts in The Villages. There have been many com-plaints from residents that the current land-scaping is negatively impacting drivers’ traf-fic visibility. She indicated that she had met with Sumter County officials who have the ultimate say over roundabouts and will be meeting with Marion County officials in the near future.

Ms. Tutt advised that District officials have been working with the Villages Landscape Manager, Erik Knudsen, to devise a new “plantings plan,” for roundabouts which will enhance the “triangular view visibility”, and that the new types of plantings are already in place at roundabouts south of CR466A in The Villages.

Once the District secures the blessing of the counties, the work will move forward. □


If you read the POA Bulletin and appreci-ate the information it provides, show your support by joining the POA now. The 2016 Membership Application Form is on page 3.

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (18)

February, 2016 Page 18 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 L E T T E R S

Letter to the POA:

Job Well Done We would like to express a "job very well

done" with the January 2016 POA bulletin. We've been Villages residents for nearly three years, and POA members throughout, and this issue was by far the finest and most informa-tive we have read! Keep up the excellent work! You have our continuing support.

Mike & Terri Supon POA Response: We try very hard to help

educate the Villages residents on all aspects of Villages life. Thank you for your support. □

Letter to the POA:

Thank You

Letter to the POA: Recycle Often, Recycle Right

This is long overdue, but thank you POA for all you do, including publishing informa-tive POA Bulletins. Aside from the Bulletin, I know that you put in many collective hours looking out for the residents' best interests and pocketbooks. Thank you. June O'Neil

POA Response: We hope that many more of our residents show their appreciation of our efforts by joining with us and becoming offi-cial members of the POA. The membership application can be found on page 3. □

I have just read the article in the new Janu-ary 2016 newsletter from POA. It is very good and answers so many questions! Is it possible to display it online in a form that I can down-load and send to friends and family back in Ohio who would really appreciate having this information? Finally, someone has addressed this important issue! I just put new labels on my containers. This is certainly an article for the Daily Sun also! Thank you! Ella Moore

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POA RESPONSE: Thank you for your input. We are sending you a copy. However, note that anyone who wants to read the Janu-ary 2016 article can go to our website - poa4s.org - just click on Bulletins in the left hand column and then on either Current Bul-letin or Archived Bulletin. The Bulletins go all the way back to 2002. □

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (19)

February, 2016 Page 19 The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org

The 2015 lightning season was even more active than 2014, here in the Lightning Capi-tal of the US. The National Weather Service (NWS) tells us that in our area we experience an average of 80 thunderstorm days per year. According to the unofficial records compiled by a local weather observer, we had 119 thun-derstorm days or 49 percent more than the NWS average. In 2014, we had 110 thunder-storm days.

Another metric was an unprecedented four homes that were struck and damaged to the extent that they were uninhabitable in Briar Meadow, Belvedere, Mallory Square, and Bridgeport at Miona Shores. At year end, one was reoccupied and re-construction continues on the other three. In 2014, there were three homes in this category in Pinellas, Lynn Ha-ven, and Mira Mesa. None of the seven homes had a lightning protection system at the time they were struck.

Anecdotal evidence points to a significant uptick in indirect lightning strikes causing surge damage to electrical appliances and electronic equipment, like computers, televi-sions, furnace controllers, garage door opera-tors, irrigation system controllers, microwave

ovens, motorized recliners and sofas, and games.

The good news is that there were no light-ning related fatalities or injuries to Village resi-dents. Again this year, Florida led the nation with six lightning fatalities and 17 injuries.

Lightning 101: If your club, organization, church, or civic group would benefit from a free community service, non-commercial Power Point presentation, Lightning Tips for Villagers, that addresses personal lightning safety, lightning protection systems (rods), lightning surges to electronic equipment, the susceptibility of corrugated stainless steel tub-ing (CSST) gas pipe to lightning, and debunk-ing nine common lightning myths, contact me Len Hathaway at [emailprotected] or my col-league Bob Freeman at stalit1@aol. It is also offered through the Lifelong Learning College on March 24, April 28, and May 26. □


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(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (20)

February, 2016 Page 20 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Floriography is the word for the means of

secret communication through the use or ar-rangement of flowers. It started eons ago in China and then Persia, but the act of delivering sentiments with flowers became truly popular in the 1800’s or in the Victorian era. Gifts of blooms, plants, and specific floral arrange-ments were used to send a coded message to the recipient, allowing the sender to express feelings and emotions which could not always be spoken aloud in Victorian society. Victori-ans often exchanged small "talking bouquets," called nosegays or tussie-mussies, which could be worn or carried as a fashion accessory.

These folks were armed with floral diction-aries, and there were scores of them, especial-ly when the craze came to America and many with conflicting entries. Often, definitions de-rive from the appearance or behavior of the plant itself. For example, the Mimosa, or sen-sitive plant, represents chastity. This is be-cause the leaves of the Mimosa close at night, or when touched. If you are looking for a new way to say I love you, you may consider a bouquet of the following: red Chrysanthe-mums and Heliotrope – I love you; red Tulips – perfect love; red Rose – desire and love; Ce-dar – I live for thee; Coreopsis – love at first sight; Phlox – our hearts are united.

How the flowers were presented and the condition of the flowers was also important. It didn't take a genius to figure out that wilted

Do you ever wonder why we send or re-ceive red roses at Valentine’s Day? We know they mean “I love you”, but do we know why?

Sentiments in today’s world can be ex-pressed by Hallmark and emoji but there is and has been a “language” using flowers da-ting back many centuries. People borrowed from the plant world to express their feelings.

During those days of long ago, there was also an appreciation of botany that western culture seems to be lacking in now. We order a dozen red roses for our sweetheart, because it is the thing to do when we want to express our love. But can you imagine a whole poem or message conveyed with flowers and herbs! Now that would get my engines running!

Our Gardening Column:

The Language of Flowers

by Anne Lambrecht, Master Gardener [emailprotected]

There is a language, little known, Lovers claim it as their own.

Its symbols smile upon the land, Wrought by nature's wondrous hand;

And in their silent beauty speak, Of life and joy, to those who seek For Love Divine and sunny hours

In the language of the flowers. –The Language of Flowers, London, 1875

flowers weren't a good thing. If the flowers were given upside down, then the meaning was the opposite of the traditional meaning. Just how the ribbon was tied had meaning. Tied to the left, the flower symbolism was in reference to the giver. If it was tied to the right, the symbolism was about the recipient.

Flower symbolism was not for the unob-servant. Flowers were also used to answer "yes" or "no" questions. I can’t imagine learn-ing all this, unless I became desperate to get married. I think the Victorians didn’t have as much on their plates as we do. They certainly did not have emojis.

Today, flowers are still an important part of our weddings, funerals, holidays and ceremo-nies, although we may not know their true meaning. Flowers replicate human life: plant-ing, growth, bloom, withering. Wedding bou-quets often include ivy that symbolizes fideli-ty. The flowers in Kate Middleton’s bouquet were picked especially to convey a personal message. Designed by royal florist Shane Connolly, in the white royal tradition, the bou-quet consisted of: Lily-of-the-Valley – return of happiness; Sweet William – gallantry; Hya-cinth – constancy of love; Ivy – fidelity, mar-riage, wedded love and friendship; Myrtle – emblem of marriage and love. Kate’s stem of myrtle in her bouquet came from the plant started from a sprig of myrtle from a nosegay given Queen Victoria by Prince Albert’s grand-mother. Pretty cool stuff.

Because there were so many interpreta-tions, it can be tricky to know all the mean-ings. You can download a list of flowers and their meanings from The Old Farmer’s Alma-nac at: www.almanac.com/content/meaning-flowers I think it might be fun to resurrect the lost art of floriography. So, the next time you get flowers from your sweetheart, I hope the message is delightful!

Parts of the above were borrowed from fel-low Extension Educator, Sandra Mason, of the Illinois Extension Service. □


for Villages Club Meetings Call Cliff Wiener 352-430-8497

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (21)

Page 21 February, 2016 The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org

Seniors vs. Crime Leading the Fight Against Scams

Fighting Phony Debt Collectors

gitimate collectors will provide this infor-mation.

Don’t give additional personal infor-mation. The debt collector might ask you to confirm personal information. Don’t do it! If the debt collector has the wrong information, like an address or phone number you’ve never used, don’t correct the mistake with the right information. And don’t give them any other personal information. If it’s not your debt, but the collector now has the right personal infor-mation for you, it could be harder for you to dispute the debt later.

Refuse to discuss the debt until you get a “validation notice.” Debt collectors must send you a written notice. It tells you how much money you owe, the name of the credi-tor, and what to do if you don’t think you owe the money. This notice might help you figure out if you owe the debt.

Do your own detective work. Reach out to the company the debt collector says is the original creditor. They might help you figure out if the debt is legitimate – and if this col-lector has the right to collect the debt. Also, get your free, annual credit report online or at 877-322-8228 and see if the debt shows up there.

Dispute the debt in writing. If you think you don’t owe some – or all – of the debt, or you just don’t recognize it as being your debt, send the debt collector a letter disputing it. Be

as specific as possible about why you think the debt is wrong – but, give as little personal information as possible. Once you get the val-idation notice, you have 30 days to dispute the debt. To cover yourself, send this dispute let-ter via certified mail, with a return receipt re-quested. By law, the debt collector then must stop contacting you – although the debt doesn’t go away. But, if the collector sends you written verification of the debt, they can start contacting you again.

And, if there is incorrect information on your credit report, dispute that as well.

Remember, no one will watch out for your interests better than YOU. When in doubt as to what you can to do to protect yourself against unscrupulous debt collectors, contact your nearest Seniors vs. Crime office in The Villages for advice or assistance. They even have sample letters for you to use when dis-puting these debts. There is never a charge for their services.

Seniors vs. Crime can be reached at 352-753-7775 at the Marion County Sheriff’s Of-fice in The Villages; 352-689-4600, Extension 4606 at the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office in The Villages; or 352-750-1914 at the Wild-wood Police Annex in Brownwood. Volun-teers’ at all three offices are ready, willing and able to assist you. To keep up with the latest scams, LIKE ‘Seniors vs. Crime Region 4’ on Facebook. □

Members Only Lounge Open 7 days a week from 12 noon

Lounge: 352-750-0639

Office hours 9 AM to 4 PM Office: 352 750-2099

609 W Lady Lake Blvd

War Time Veteran??

Consider Joining Our Smoke Free Post.

Every year businesses write off uncollect-able debts against their taxes. They no longer attempt to collect these debts. Sometimes, they sell their uncollectable debts to other companies for literally pennies on the dollar. Those companies then attempt to collect those debts and they get to keep any and all monies they collect.

Not all companies buying old debts follow proper procedures in their collection efforts. If the debt belonged to Miss Calamity James, they ‘shotgun’ telephone calls, emails, or ‘dunning’ letters to every “C. James” in the USA. Sometimes these calls and letters can be quite intimidating. For everyone who pays any-thing on this debt, the money is pure profit to the debt collector.

According to the Federal Trade Commis-sion (FTC), debt collectors make up to one billion contacts with consumers each year. It’s their job to make sure they’re collecting from the right people. But sometimes, they reach the wrong person. Other times, they’re actual-ly part of a fake debt collection scam. If you don’t recognize a debt, or if you suspect it is not your debt, here’s what you can and should do:

Find out who you’re dealing with. Ask for the debt collector’s name, the company’s name, and its address and phone number. Le-

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (22)

Page 22 February, 2016 The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Massage Therapy - In my office. 10% POA

discount from normal $60 per hour. Call Susan at 352-638-7649, license #ma53841.

Minami Granite Designs Inc. - 1806 N.E. 2nd Ave, Ocala FL. Free stainless steel sink w/kitchen counter do-over. 352-671-9800.

MOE'S Southwest Grill - Rolling Acres Plaza, 352-430-3610. BOGO free every Satur-day w/purchase of two medium drinks! Not valid w/any other offer. One offer per POA family.

Ollie's Frozen Custard - Across the street from Lowe's Building Supply. Use the Ollie's Coupon (pg 23) or get POA 10% off

Panda Express - 869 N Hwy. 27/441, Home Depot Plaza, 352-751-2507. 10% POA discount, not valid with coupons or specials.

Plaza Jewelers - 16770 S. Hwy. 441, Baylee Plaza, 352-307-3846. 20-40% POA saving off retail price; all watch batteries $4.

Routed Lamp Post Signs - Denny Farris-owner 419-705-5272 Market nights 5 - 9 PM Spanish Springs Mon & Wed. Sumter Landing Tues. & Thurs. 10% discount to POA members.

S & N Lawn Care And Maintenance - Free Estimates. No Contracts. 10% discount to POA members. 352-445-8137 or 352-209-8288.

Sparr Building & Farm Supply - At Hwy 44 & Signature Drive, Wildwood. 352-330-1718. 10% discount on Pool Supplies & Benja-min Moore Paints, excludes Aura & sale items.

Tip Top Tree Experts - All tree work, land-scaping, paving, pressure wash, and home re-pairs. 10% POA discount. 352-516-8820.

Tri-County Tile & Home Improvements - Lake County Resident & Home Improvement for 25 years. Call 352-978-3556. 15% Discount (on labor) to POA Members only.

Ultimate Handyman Services - Drywall, trim/crowns, paint/remodel. Insured. 10% POA discount. John Sainiak, 352-516-2976.

Villages Apparel - Southern Trace Shopping Center, 352-750-1600. 10% POA discount off custom screen printing, min order 25 shirts.

Villages Car Wash and Lube - Bichara Blvd, La Plaza Grande Center, 352-753-1306. $1 POA disc off regular price of silver or gold wash.

Wholesale Computer Components - Ter-race Shoppes Spruce Creek, Summerfield, across from Wal-Mart, 352-245-1500. $15 POA dis-count on any computer repair. □

Village Car Wash & Lube

Full Service Car Wash Packages Professional Detailing Center

Car, Golf Cart, Boat & Motorcycle Detailing Pennzoil Oil & Lube Center

970 Bichara Blvd La Plaza Grande, The Villages


Free Car Wash with Any Oil Change

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$2 OFF Silver or Gold Car Wash

Not valid with other discounts Not interchangeable Expires Feb 29, 2016

$1 OFF Basic or Bronze Car Wash Not valid with other discounts

Not interchangeable Expires Feb 29, 2016

DISCOUNT PARTNERS The POA Discount Partner Program is

a continuing benefit for POA members. Just show your current year POA Mem-bership card when ordering the product or service listed here. And, please say "thanks" to our Discount Partners for participating in this program. (* = new this issue)

*24 Hr. Cart Club, Inc. - 352-330-1911. 3 months FREE with sign up. Valid on initial sign-up only. Present POA membership card.

Battery Boys - Electric & Gas batteries. We also sell & repair battery chargers. Free gift with purchase to POA members. 352-643-1241.

Cozco Handcrafts - 1121 Main St., Spanish Springs, 352-430-0386. 10% off non-sale items.

Decorating Den in The Villages - Creating beautiful rooms since 1969. 10% POA discount - must mention this ad. 352-787-4603.

Edible Arrangements - Southern Trace Shopping Center, 352-391-1334. $3 off order greater than $25.

*Entry Point by Perry Decorative Glass - La Plaza Grande, 352-751-0883. 10% off any non-sale items (cannot be combined with any other offer). Present membership card.

*Exercise2gether - 10% Off Services for POA Members, please present POA member-ship Card. 352-801-1633.

EyeSite of The Villages - Dr. Paul E Collins - Grand Traverse "Publix" Plaza, adjacent to Brownwood - www.eyesite-thevillages.com - $50 Off Complete Eyeglasses Purchase. 352-674-3937

Flags & Flag Poles - 211 S. Hwy. 27/441 next to Tire Round-up. 352-751-1876. $5 off installation of new flag pole for POA members. Discount on cash or check orders only.

Friar Tax Preparation Service - Barney Madden - 10% POA Discount. 1544 Hillcrest Drive. Villages resident. 352-751-4435.

Golf Cart and Club Security System - E-mail us at [emailprotected], 352-391-9488. $3 POA discount (approx 10%) for Golf Cart and Club Security device.

Golf Clubs & Bag Lock - Gator Jaws, $30 each or 10% POA discount off on 2 or more, 352-750-0488.

Grandma's Sewing & Crafts - Cushion, pil-low and chair seat recovering, personalized gifts & custom embroidery, Specializing in baby gifts & personalized licensed fabric pillowcases for chil-dren & adults. Email [emailprotected] or 352-350-7124. 10% POA discount.

Haagen Dazs - 1001 Lake Shore Drive, Lake Sumter Landing, 352-751-0261. 10% POA disc.

Handyman Bob Shappy - Villages resident, very reasonable prices. 802-236-3429 10% dis-count to POA members.

Home Power Washing - Villages resident, 10% POA discount, Bob at 352-350-4746.

*Honey Baked Ham Company & Café - Best Buy Shopping Center 352-259-3900. Buy one sandwich or boxed lunch - Get 2nd 50% off (equal or lesser value). Present membership card.

I. Stern & Co. - 10% off Hi Quality Golf Clothing, 3405 W College Road, Suite 113, Oca-la. 352-307-4878.

Johnny Rockets - 976 Old Mill Run, Lake Sumter Landing, 352-259-0051. 10% POA disc.

Kiley & Sons Plumbing - 219 S Old Dixie Hwy, Lady Lake, 352-753-5301. 15% POA dis-counted labor on a SERVICE Call. Valid on a minimum 1 hr of service. Visit our Showroom.

Kitty Camp & Resorts - JUST for CATS, a Lovable Lakeside Cat Resort & Retirement Home. 15% POA Discount. Call 352-205-4284.

L. Rae Jewelry Appraisal Services - Certi-fied Gemologist, Villages resident, Appointment only, 10% POA discount, 352-430-2991.

Lopez Professional Landscaping - Reasona-ble Prices, references upon request, 10% dis-count to POA members. 352-484-8098.

February 2nd

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (23)

The Property Owners' Association P. O. Box 386

Oxford, FL 34484-0386 POA Phone 352-430-8497

BULLETIN DELIVERY (Stop/Restart Date) Email:[emailprotected]

Phone: Shelley Pfaff 352-325-1540

Officers President Cliff Wiener 430-8497 V.P. Jerry Ferlisi 391-5261 Treasurer Donna Kempa 716-445-4008 Secretary Carolyn Reichel 205-8199 Past Pres. Elaine Dreidame 753-5069 Directors Ken Copp 751-0086 Myron Henry 205-8849 Sal Torname 350-2218 Jerry Vicenti 259-9746

POA Staff Membership Jerry Vicenti 259-9746 IT Tech Ken Copp 751-0086 Bulletin Editor Elaine Dreidame 753-5069 Advertising Richie Hausner 446-4186 Bulletin Layout Jackie Awtry 350-7491 Webmaster Jackie Awtry 350-7491 Hall of Fame Myron Henry 205-8849 POA Email [emailprotected] Website www.poa4us.org

POA Telephone 352-430-8497

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Next to First Watch in The Spanish Plaines Center

February, 2016 Page 23 The POA Website - http://www.poa4us.org


For Ad Rates and For More Information, Please Contact

Richie Hausner

POA Advertising Independent Sales Rep.


POA Hall of Fame 2004 Russ Day Eva Hawkins William Rich, Jr. Glen Swindler Jean Tuttle 2005 Sadie Woollard 2006 Charlie Harvey Carol Kope Frank Renner 2007 Rose Harvey Dorothy Hokr 2008 Ray and Lori Micucci Win Shook 2009 Dorothy Morehouse-Beeney Vinnie Palmisano 2011 Pete Cacioppo Betty Cunningham 2012 Joe Gorman 2013 "Class Action Five" Elaine Dreidame Bill Garner Joe Gorman Rich Lambrecht Irv Yedwab

Life and Performance-Extending Golf Cart Ba�ery Maintainer Special Direct Factory Offer!

To familiarize more of our Villagers with this ba�ery saving product our company will provide 24 Villagers with a

Ba�eryMINDer for 6 months at No Charge*.

No Gimmicks, No Credit Card Charge, Just your Word.

Bill Woods, the company’s Village Representa�ve, will install a 48-Volt Ba�eryMINDer in your cart reques�ng

you use it as directed for a period of 6 months to prove: • Improved Range • Eliminate water loss** • Eliminate dead ba�eries when away for weeks – months • Add 40% longer life to new or up to 2 year old ba�eries

Call Bill at 561-4147

*Offer is made to first 24 Villagers our representa�ve Bill believes will most benefit from the use of Ba�eryMINDer **During extended non-use periods of as much as 8 months



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February 15th


(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet …· 2020. 2. 23.· Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (24)

The POA Bulletin - Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Page 24 February, 2016

(PDF) Issue 42.02 Champions of Residents' Rights Since 1975 Meet … · 2020. 2. 23. · Staten Island, NY. He retired from The Port Authority of NY & NJ after 35 years of ser-vice. Jerry - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.