liuat I Men's fine made to measure clothes, $37.50, $49, $55, $60. A saving of 23 per cent. No need to wait for clothes cost to come down. We have brought them down already, in this sale bears the famous KAHNtrade-mark. thwr 9 XJitllH I tiiiu Every garment our iu otwcd lit the Monett.
oostuffice tecvv.i i mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES fculy ti Cnrrier. per year in 'ivaret? tally by Carrier, threw month-, in advance no )iiy by Ori-ier. pr month Jftily by Mail, pur year in advnnc' M-M) Dily by mail, throe months in advunce J1.1U Weekly by mail, per year in advance idvertUini: raU's will be uuutad upon application Forriyn Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN HRESS ASlAJjONj On Nov. 2, the people of Missouri will have a chance to adopt Amendment No.
6, which offers the only plan proposed by which the State can get a connected system of good roads. If it fails not a man or women in the State who is now 40 years old will ever be able to travel all the wav across the State on a 065-day road in any direction. If No. 6 wins, every county seat town in the State will be connected with a permanent road just as soon as they can be built. DUROC-JERSEY HOG SELLS FOR Suriniifield.
October i2.T.:nt some of the best, pure-bred stock is, the state i.i in Southwest Missouri is shown by lh? c. a Duiw-Jcrsey boar to Ward P. Hall of Liberty, this year for The animal was raised by E. M. Smith who has some of the finest Duroc-Jcr-seys in the stale, and was sold to C.
1J. Gee of Mount Vernon last year. He was entered at the Ozark stock show last year and won junior champion also grand champion of the show. Colonel, Frank Holtiiinger of Moberly bought the animal September this year, from Gee for $1,500 and sold him the following -eetc to TIaii for $3,000. Mr.
Smith is owner of King's Colonel rath finder. Junior champion in this class at Ozark stock show tlvs year. Mr. Smith lives on route near the Country club and his herd numbers 140 at present. MISSOURI UNIVERSITY 12.
ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY 0 Columbia, Oct. 11. An account of many years' standing was exactly evened Saturday, when the University of Missouri Tigers, champions of the Missouri Valley in football last year defeated the St. Louis Univorsl' team at St.
Luis by a score of 42 to 0. Missouri has never even scored St. Louis in the four pveviors games, losing in 1004 by 17 to in 1005, 17 to in 1010. .1 to in 1011. 5 to 0.
Lewis and Full-bright starred for Missouri in the game Saturday. The next game for the Tigers will be with Ames at Ames next Satin-dry. 'Hi is v-." open the Conference season for Missouri. GRIP Grip usually starts just the same as a cold with a watery discharge from the nose. You are much more likely to contract the grip when you have a cold.
For that reason when grip is prevalent you should go to bed as soon as you feel that you are taking cold and stay in bed until fully recovered -which should not be long if you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Three days in bed now is better than three weeks later on. Kill That CASCARA FOR Colds, Coughs mi Neglected Colds are Dangercu" Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy fcani'. sneeze.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Ri Grippe in 3 day- Excellent for Quinine in this form does not affect the heaJ Cascara ij best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Quality and Service At a Saving Our Mouuments are of the best material and latest designs. Our Prices are Right considering Quality and Value. Workmanship and Service is the Best. We also Manufacture Marble and Grauitet Markers, Cemetery Coping, Vanlts and Mausoleums Monett Marble Granite Works 200 BROADWAY PHONE 75 JOS.
LEDL EDJ.TRUDELL LOGAN 1. McK EE'S EASY STREET Vsv. W. V. Singer fi'led his appointment at Mt.
Grove Sunday. The revival meeting at Star i progressing nicely with good There has been about twenty-six conversions. Elvin Fly and Olaf Clement were Monett visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. am! Mrs.
Clinton Marbut and daughter Miss Ruth were Monett visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Marbut and daughter Miss Ruth attended Stock Show at Springfield last week. Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Jackson and children attended church at Mt. Grove Sunday.
Rev. C. A. Fly and Rev. W.
B. Singer attended church at Star Sunday night. Olaf Clement and Ray Jackson Y.t-tended the Stock show at Springfield Friday and reported a nice time. Raymond Medlin and Ray Jack-on were Monett visitors Saturday night. Pickled pigs feet at Saxe's Market.
Phone 112. SO-tG Mead lettuce at Saxe's MarkoL Phone 112, 80t6 Fresh Spring Lamb this week Howell's Meat Market. Sot Kraut just received at Saxe rhonc 112. 72tf V. C.
White, of Aurora, was in town on business Monday. Fre-h Spring: Lamb this week at Howell's Meat Market. 83tf V. M. Wic, International Harvester salt -man, of Aurora Jiere.
Vot2 for T. A. Stockton, Democratic candidate for Sheriff of Barry county. 1 Slt2I. John P.
Davis, of the Milburn-Davis Grocer Company, went to 1-lister Mondav. Fixall, varnish stain for the wood work and furniture. Davis-Chapell Hardware Co. 67tf Mrs. W.
H. Such and sister, Mrs. Tien Cooper, of Enid, spent Tuesday in Springfield. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5-passen-ger, 4-cylinder Auburn car. Good condition.
Matthews Grocery. 73tf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R.
Vaughan, Miss Margaret Lowry, Claud Hawley and Sloan O'Kelley, of Aurora, motored to Monett Sunday and attended the ball game. YOUR LIVING COST REDUCED $1.00 PER WEEK Free Demonstration of Gem Nut Butter Wednesday, October 13. Every one is invited to attend this demonstration and find the various uses or this wonderful food product. Price during demonstration, 33 cents per pound, at Saxe's Market. Everything to eat.
Phone 112. 83t2 Cold With QUININE AND La Grippe THE TIMES WANT ADS ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; witnout children. Call 305 Fifth street. 72-tf FOR RENT Light housekeeping apartment at 505 Fourth street. For information phone 540.
71tf FOR RENT Three strictly modern light housekeeping rooms at 40? Seventh. 6Stf FOR RENT: Newly furnished room steam heated. Close in on Fifth St. AH conveniences. Reasonable prices.
Fhone 150W. CS-tf FOR RENT: Furnished room at C12 Fifth street. Mrs. W. J.
Mills. FOR RENT: Rooms light housekeeping at 1002 E. Bond. 70tf FOR U.E-FOR SALE- car. Freistatl Mo.
FOR SALE- -Buick 6, 1918 touring Motor Co. Freistatt, 22tf -1500 bushels orchard grass seed, also hay PhoneCOG. J. U. 55tf Vermillion.
FOR SALE OR TRADE-per, 4-cyaniier Auburn car. tlition. Matthews Grocery. -5-passen-; Good coii-73tf i FOR SALE Good extension lad- der. 713 Fiisco.
Phone 337. 7Stf FOR SALE Elegant solid oak din- ing table with folded in leaves. 303. Seventh street. SOtf FOR SALE: Tiano in good condi-' tion.
Call at 701 Frisco. 80t6 i l-Uu s' ove ai duo -i central avenue, rnone iii. pj-w 1 FOR SALE One Cleveland road-! ster automobile, good as new, driven 1100 miles cn city roads, equ'pped wilh Racine cord tires and spring, bumper and extra tire. $1400 for on irk sale. Address C.
E. Gav. 475 East Walnut street, Springfield, Mc. Phone 2053. 8 US' FOR SALE Ivory reed baby carriage in perfect condition.
Call at 525 Scott St. 80tf FOR SALE 2 small tables, side board, 2 wash stands, iron bed, Mrs. J. V. Dvsart, No.
510 Fourth St. FOR SALE Black Beauty bicycle, good as new. Two good Kokomo tires, $25 if taken at once. A. P.
Ferry, 1008 E. Broadway 82t6 FOR SALE Mahogany furniture, library table and parlor suite to match at 510 Benton avenue FOR SALE Willow baby carriage good condition, 104 W. Bond street. 84t6 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern house 6 rooms and bath, 615 8th St. Apply at above number.
51tf FOR SALE 8 room house, 2 lots, corner 9th and Sycamore. Mrs. J. W. Kirchner.
Part down, balance to suit, FOR SALE: Good Second Hand business with or without buildings. C. Slyfield, 211 Third. 79tf FOR SALE Two 5-room houses on Seventh street, one 5-room house on Fourth street, three lots and small house in Plymouth addition. See owner, 302 Seventh street SOtf 40 ACRE FARM FOR SALE: A No.
strawberry farm; all new improve- Mrs. W. W. Earnhart, Route Monett. Mo.
791m- I FOR SALE My residence property corner County and Central. Call at the house. Mrs. D. N.
Jewett. 83tf FOR SALE 5-room house with bath, new roof and newly painted, corner Eighth and Bond streets. Also 4-room house on Marshall Hill. Wm. Smerdon.
83tf WANTED: Second-hand cage for parrot. Call Baujfhar Automobile Agency, Phone 70. 68-tf WANTED Lady to care for two small children during day, best wages, inquire at 901 Bond street 78tf WANTED Boy to work evenings after school. Inquire at Ozark Bakery Ask for C. B.
Heaton after 6 p. m. 78tf TAKEN UP One gray horse, 2 bay mares and a young mule. Claud Beymer, R. F.
D. 4, Monett, Mo. WANTED Young man to work out of school hours. KANE DRUG CO. 81t3 See M.
J. Hale for 20 Pay Life In-Rurance. 28tf Mrs. G. L.
Parks of Washburn is visiting Mrs. Henry Gray and Mrs. Burl Vermillion. Broadway LITTLE FLAT I Rev. Singer preached at Marbut, Sunday.
I Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Jackson were I shopping in Purdy, Saturday.
Thee who visited Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Jackson and family Sunday were Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Singer, C. A. Fly and Misses Ruby Leona and Lena Smith.
I Roy Jackson and Olaf went to Springfield Friday. Little Fern and Vedas Conway Jackson visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Jackson, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Jackson and daughter Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Moudy went to Springfield Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. V.
H. Marbut and Fern Alexander went to Springfield and stayed until Saturday, delivered, Phone 2. 62tf T. H. Smith, of Aurora, town on business Monday.
was Bulk Kraut just received at Saxe's Thone 112. 72tf RECTAL DISEASES PILES Knifeless Theatment for Quick and Permanent Removal of Piles by Atrophic Drying Up Method. I have perfected a knifeless, clamp- i less, si itchless, cauteryless, scissorlesr, painles? treatment for quick and permanent removal of piles. No hos- pita! bills, no anesthetic abovt your business as usual. Some of the Everest cases of piles vanish after a chron'c'ty 1 a case is no bar to this method.
treatment scientific and therefore does not come in a bottle or box of Testimonials from four states. A new and wonderful treatment for constipation and pruritus ani guaranteed. iilrfivs. Pi-'tulti. r.listinatfon asthma, prolapsus, chronic dysentry, dibetes and incipient Bvight's disease i scientifficallv treated.
I Smid for mv book "Diseases of Stomach and Intestines." Here Ten Years. Dr John S. Schreiner Specialist Diseases Reclum and Cblous. Suite 713-14, Seventh Floor Frisco Hours 9 to 5. Sundays 10 to 12 a.
m. (Phone 2080 Joplin, Missouri Conductor's and Brakeman's Uuiform Made To Measure Have your measure taken for your winter uniform now. We can make two weeks delivery. Come in and look over our sorcples now whether you are ieady to buy or not. We sell Badges.
Buttons and Service Bars 1st Door North of Post Office Accurate glasses often make a "nervous person" normal, for defective eyesight is often the true source of the affliction. It is true that not all nervous disorders are caused by eyestrain but it is an established fact that many cases are caused by the forcing of defective eyes beyond their strength. If you're nervous, come in and have your eyes tested proper glasses probably will aid you. Moderate charges. DR.
WM. WRIGHT Optometrist And Eyesight Specialist State Bank Bldg. Phone 243 1 Monett, Mo Fresh Spring Lamb this week at Howell's Meat Market. Miss Oca Wise, of Aurora, has accepted the position of bookkeeper at Wagner Garage. For the next thirty days, $1000 off on any suit made at Whitney's Taifor Shop, 215 Broadway.
71tf HEAD QUARTERS For New and Second Hand Furniture And Stoves. I pay highest cash price for gooc Second Hand Furniture and Stove W. H. 214 Broadway SNIDER Phone AUCTIONEER 1 solicit your Public Sales. Lave 25 years in Sale Ring.
Phone or write lue fur dateu. COL. W. H. SNIDER Phone 565.
Muiietl, Sf- DOCTORS PARMALEE ARM ALEE CHIROPRACTORS Expert Spinal Adjustments Diagnosis from Eye and Spine Consultation and Examination Fre Office Rooms: Miller Buliding 315 Broadway, Monett, Mo 14-lrn Phone 39 PETER OS' -I FOR BARGAINS IN VIEW GOOD; Come to 517 Broadway New and Second Hand Good of all Kinds. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANTED We buy, sell and exchange second hand furniture, carpets, stoves, MONETT FURNITURE CO. 609 Broadway Phone 13 J. O. BRAMER General Contractor Suite 9, State Bunk Building Office Phone 65; Home Phone 714J M.
R. TRUMBOWER, M. D. Specializes on Diseases of Woman Phone 298 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Third and Bond Streets OFFICE HOURS 1Q A. M.
5 P. M. F. BRITE REAL ESTATE Moved to first door east of Broadwaj Hotel in Monett Journal Office List Your Property With Me For Sale or Exchange e. a.
SON Notary Work Inauraoea REAL ESTATE FARM AND CITY LOAN8 DR. R. B. HORTON Graduate Veterinary Physician and Surgeon Office and Hospital Residence Phone 31 Purdy, Mo. hospital 25 At all times we mdeavor to deport ourselves in a manner that will cause us to be remembered by those whom we serve.
Our business conduct is bcyono cavil. 1 ii.i-'iyia HOWELL'S UNION" MEAT, MARKET Up-to-Date Sanitary Equipment Poultry Supplies and Canned Goods 413 BROADWAY List Your Property with WARREN P. HOOVER Real Estate Durnil Building Office Phone 2. Home Phone 448 Dr. Wm.
M. West's HOSPITAL MONETT, MO Six Years of Honorable Efficient Seruice First class equipment for SLRGERV a OBSTETRIVS Latest. Improved Apparatus In X-Ray Department. Phone 109 Monett, Mo. DR.
ALVA JONES Physician and Surgeon i Specially prepared to treat disease I of the eye, nose' and throat. Eyes scientifically examined tao glasses accurately fitted. Office Phone 63 Residence 2S9 BERT ROBBINS ARCHITECT ENGINEER Building Plans, Estimates and Specifications. STATE BANK BUILDING 1 EMORY MEDLIN Attorney at Law Golteetions and all legal work. First National Bank Building Monett, Mo.
JOHN T. BURGESS Lawyer Will Practice in All Court of State. DR. T. V.
POOLE CHIROPRACTOR Office over Corner Pharmacy, Phone 1 Hours, 9 to 12; 2 to 7. Residence, 109 Broadway. Phone 54. Tuesday Commercial Purdy. J.
L. JEFFRIES A Kansaa, McAlister, Piedmont, Smith ing and Anthracite CoaL PHONE 9 or 159 DR. IDA B. JOHNSON OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE IN MILLER BUILDINC Residence Phone 617 Office Phone 620 JUNK We buy rags, paper and jiiiik of el kinds. Phone IS, Monett Iron and Metal 609 Broadway.
68tt EMORY E. SMITH Attorney at Law Will give all civil cases prompt attention. assville, Missouri. E. W.
RUSSEY Dentist Fitzgerald Building Phone.