The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER -THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 13. 1879. AN To Rent, To Let, For Sale, Lost or Foural, Strayed or Stolen, not exceeding Four Lines, will be inserted in both edstions for 25 cents. AUCTION SALE. FOR mules, SALE weighing AT from 2,300 AUCTION-6 to 2,800 6 lbs large per pair, 11 carts.

2 trucks and cart close to harnesses, Viaduct, at Nov. Day's 15th, Dock. at 1 West p. m. River Mules street, can be seen at FRED KIMBERLY'S, Auctioneer, 127 Champlain street.

WANTED. To do general housework. Apply Side. at Stock Exchange, Scranton Stave Bucker, Equalizer WANT Jointer, or working either order one aud cheap separately; for cash. must Address L.

A. FOX, foot of South street, be in good LaFayette, Ind. chamber work boarding SITUATION do house by a mid woman with seven years' experience; best of references given. Enquire at 821 Sheriff street. FOR SALE.

FOR Longwood SALE avenue, HOUSE No. 30; AND lot LOT feet; two-story frame house, 15 rooms, all a modern frontage improvements. Lot on Vine street, with on Harmon; 2 houses, 1 fronting on each street; size of lot 30x122; frame houses in good condition. Lot on Brighton street, No. 11: size 03x157.

Eech of the above I offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. They are part of the estate For of Nathan New, bankrupt, and must be sold. tering apply to my attorneys, A. I. SANGER, Assignee White, of or Nathan New.

Bankrupt. to the undersigned, MISCELLANEOUS. 62 Gold, Cards, Crystal, in Lace, gold and Perfumed jet 10c. and Chromo Clinton Clintonville, Ct. nvo Tudiciously Invented fu $25 to $5000 tion Wall St.

for lays fortunes the founds- every weak, and pays imminenae profits by the New Capitalization applicalion to ADANS, BROWN Laukers, 28 Broad N. Y. Myster ofoperating In Fullexplanation ou PASSAGE AGENCYEstablished in the year 1851. Railroad ticketa East and West, first and second class, good on any express train, at the lowest excursion to rates. Pasgage tickets for all mail line steamers or from Liverpool, London, Glasgow, Queenstown, Belfast, Dublin, Derry, Bristol, Cardiff, Piymouth, Bremen, Hamburg, Paris, Havre, at considerably reduced rates.

Drafts on the old country now lower than ever at Wagner's European Passage, Foreign Exchange and Railroad Ticket Office, No. 178 and 180 Superior street, opposite Weddell House. J. C. WAGNER BRO.

SPECIAL NOTICE. Ontario -The street, is Holmes prepared Security Bank, to make LOANS on diamonds. watches, gold and silver goods of all kinds at lowest rates. Also they have $20,000 worth of the above articles, which must he sold in the next 60 days. aul3 MEDICAL.

POSITIVELY and RADICALLY SOHN 7. cures all BLOOD DISEASES, no mutter how bud or of how long stunding. Cases Supposed to be incurable especially solicited. Testimonials of remarkable cures by Dr. John Tripp's Blood Purifier sent to any address.

DR. T. Il. GOODSELL, Western Agent, 2 Seneca street. Cleveland, O.

ANg27 CURTAINS. CURTAINS Antique Lace Curtains, $8.00 a Pair. We have just added a very stylish Antiquo Lace Curtain at the above low price. Do not fail to in spect our stock before purchasing. Vincent, Sturm Barstow, Headquarters for Furniture and Curtains, Nos.

114. 116 and 118 Water Street. MILLINERY. OUR Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats. I00 DOZEN we are selling at 25, 33, 50, 65, 75 CENTS AND $1.00, in all the newest styles.

Call at our store before buying your Iuts. See our BARGAINS. Sloss Brothers, 235 Superior St. and 126 Seneca St. FURNISHING GOODS.

WE ARE MAKING MORE SHIRTS To Order than ever before at this season of the year. The Reason Why that we are Making a Better Shirt for the money than any other, house warrant a perfect fit. T. C. JOHNSON.

14 Public Square. DRY GOODS. Why Not Go at Once New ready York to watching the market and always au extra buy my anything that may be offered as bargain. 6. Because we are satisfied with a tors.

smaller per centage than auy of our competiCall and convince yourselves. i Wo keep the store open every Saturday until 0:30 TO Pardridge 303 Enclid Avenue, Which will certainly save you 25 per cent. on all your purchases. The reasous why we are enabled to do this is: 1. Because we own nine large Dry Goods Stores in different cities in the Union and therefore buy only in large quantities, 2.

We own most of the buildings our stores are siquated in and pay 110 rent. 3. We buy for cash only. 4. We sell for cash only and therefore have no losses to mako up.

6. One of our firm is constantly in Cleocland Plain Grater. DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. TO THE PUBLIC. The rapid and steady increase of the circuation of the PLAIN DEALER, it being the only English Democratic daily published in the city, makes it a valuable advertising medium.

Business men and all wishing to enlarge and increase their trade should advertise in tho PLAIN DEALER. P'arties desiring to rent or sell houses, to buy or sell real estate, desiring hired help, should advertise in the "Hunts" department of the I'LAIN DEALER. BUSINESS MEN desiring Notices" of business, trade, or notices of any nature, will please leave word at our Counting Room. Orders for the Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly can be left at the PLAIN DEALER of. fire, Seneca street.

New Advertisem*nts. Euclid Av. Opera House--The Gladiator. Academy of Music--Evangeline. J.

Wageman-Clothing. W. I. Hudson Sale. Fred.

Kimberly-Mules at Auction. P. Vaupel -Floral Designs -Local. L. 11.

Solomonson-Opera Glasses -Local. TO ADVERTISERS. The attention of all business men is directed to the PLAIN DEALER NOWAS a medium of advertising. It has the never business before men had so largo a circulation, and who appreciate the situation ought to take advantage of it by judicious advertising. TO AGENTS.

Agents for the daily and weekly PLAIN DEALER are requested not to send us other than three cent postage stamps as change. We cannot use stamps of a larger denomina tion. Direct from Paris. The largest assortment Opera Glasses ever exhibited in thecity, just received by L. H.

Solomonson, Optician. 252 Superior street, under Forest City House. Among them are some finished in "Aluminium" a new and beautiful material, giving to the glasses all elegant appearance, with half the weight of ordinary materials. Call and sce them before purchasing. Orders received for all kinds of Floral are from the Greenhouse of Scofield Co.

Designs at Vaupel's, 366 Euclid led acenue. They A full line of Men's, Boys and Youths Boots and Shoes at McQuire's, 126 Ontario street. "l'o Pittsburgh. Two trains each way are now running between Cleveland Pittsburgh over the new route via the Atlantic Great Western and Pittsburgh Lake Erie Railways, leaving Atlantic depot, Scranton avenue, at 7:10 m. and 2:10 p.

reaching Pittsburgh without change at 1:05 and 8:20 p. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco Ladies water proof Shoes, button and side lace, made from Kangaroo skin, warranted water proof, at McGuiro's, 126 Ontario street. Eighth Ward Democratic Caucus: The Democrats of the Eighth ward are hereby requested to meet in the Vermont Street Station on Friday evening, November 14th, 1873, at seven o'clock, the polls to remain open till nine o'clock p.m., of said day, for the purpose of placing in nomination 0110 candidate for Trustce, to By order M. WELSII, Committeeman. WEATHERWISE.

Observations and Prognostication. MORNING OBSERVATIONS. SIGNAL CORES OFFICE, CLEVELAND, Nov. 18. The following is the result of the United States Signal Corps observations taken at 7:35 (Washington mean time) this morning: The pressure has risen slightly in the Northwest and Upper Mississippi Valley, tocompanied by slightly lower temperature, winds backing to west and north, increasing in velocity and generally fair weather, with occasional light rain in the southern portion of the Northwest and northern portion of the Upper Mississippi Valley.

In the Upper Lake Region, the pressure is sligutly lower than as last night's reports, with slightly lower temperature, high winds and cloudy or foggy weather. Overthe Lower Lake Region, rapidly rising pressure, lower temperature and variable winds following the area of low pressure, which passed over this section yesterday and is now beyond our circuit. It was accompanied by decidedly higher temperoture and heavy rains, followed by clearing or clear weather this morning. Rain fell during the night at Albany, Breckenridge, La Cross, Oswego, Rophester and St. Paul.

The pressuro is highest at Rochester (30.00); and lowest at North Platto (20.60). The wind during yesterday's storm reached a maximum velocity of 27 miles per hour from the south. Temperature this morning was as follows: Cleveland, 49; Albany, 42; Bullalo, 49; Chicago, 49; Erie, 50; Grand Haven, 40; Milwaukee, 40; Oswego, 42; Port Huron, 47; St. Paul, 40; Toledo, 52; Sandusky, 51; Yankton, 40, The temperature is again below freezing point in the Northwest. Lines aredown at Alpena, Duluth, Ft.

Garry and Marquette. The maximum temperature at Cleveland in the shade up to 3 p. m. to-day was 71 degrees, minimum temperature, 49. NOON PROGNOSTICATIONS.

WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE CITIEF SIGNAL OFFICER, WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 A. For the Lako Megion partly cloudy weather and light local rain, winds mostly from the east to south during the day and slight changes in temperaturo and slightly falling barometer. The Moody and Sankey Mission Closed. Moody and Sankey have gone.

Mr. Moody has gone to his home in Chicago, Mr. Sankey to his home in Newcastle, Pennsylvania. Different opinions are entertaived as to the success in a religious point of view of their stay here. When they came it was expected that a religious tidal wave would be started which would engulf the city.

The churches do not appear to give evidence of unusual accessions or uny special quickening. The city pastors were disappointed--at least those of them who had faith that the coming of these evangelists would work wonders. Trial by Jury. Police Judge Peter Youug announces that hereafter in no case will a venire 1 be issued for a jury in his court unless the prosecuting witness produces security for the costs. A recent experience induced Peter to take this step.

About two months ago 3 couple of West Cleveland women had a difliculty about geese, which resulted one of them being arrested for assault and battery. She had a trial by jury, was acquitted and the costs, amounting to $152, were taxed on the county. Au Honest Medicine. Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the throat, chest or lungs, we know of none we can recommend so highly as Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, hoarseness, tickling in the throat, loss of voice, etc.

This medicine does positively cure, and that where overything elso has failed. No modicine can show one half SO mauy positive and permanont cures as have already been offected by this truly wonderful remely. For asthma and bronchitis it is a perfect specific, curing the very worst cases in the shortest time possible. We say by all means give it a trial. Trial bottles 10 cents.

Regular size $1.00. For sale by Strong, Cobb 199 Superior street. Pelton Park. The city to-day (Thursday) obtained formal possession of Pelton Park, which property was transferred by the Mayor into the charge of the Park Commissioners. If medicine you into don't your know what uils you tako 110 tian Pad and you stomach.

astray." on an Egypcan't go 'The Soldiers' aud Sailors' Association will meet in Crocker's Block this evening. Harris, who shot himself on Tuesday evening, is considered out of danger. The coal oil lamp in front of No. 864 Payne avenue is sadly in need of repair. The will of Christopher C.

Bennett wag on Thursday admitted to probate. Martin Polcar has been appointed guardian of the minors of John Prosck, decensed. Michael Cary and Eugene Kerrigan, two school boys, were arrested yesterday for jumping on a moving railroad train. The topic for the prayer meetings to-morrow will be "A highly favored man and his terrible end." The body of the man who was suffocated in the new Vienna Bakery oven has not yet been identified. The ladies of the First MI.

F. Socicty will give an oyster supper and party this evenin the church parlors. J. J. Rolf, of Middleburgh, has been adjudged insane and ordered sent to the Asylum.

The luron Street Ilospital fair closed on Wednesday evening. It was a brilliant success in all respects. Another polar wave is threatened. It will probably be along within two or three clays. James Kelley, on trial for grand larceny, was this afternoon found guilty by the jury.

Patrick Cavanagh, of this city has been adjudged insane and ordered sent to the asvlum. Mr. Ierman Mueller, in the malt business on Michigan street, was elected a member of the Board of Trade to day. James Maher reports to the police that lie has lost a letter of recommendation written for him by General Sheridan. A pocketbook containing a number of valuable papers was picked up in the strect to-day by Patrolman McClusky.

The will of Mrs. Anna Wilber, of Warrensville, has been probated and Hector Harper qualified as executor. The coucert, supper and dance given Wednesday evening in Weisgerber's by the Gesangverein Frohsinn was a delightful affair. W. S.

Cadman, native of Euclid and many years ago a student of law in the office of Loren Prentiss, in this city, died on Tuesday in Chicago. 'The Cleveland Grays Social Club will give their first winter party in Weisgerber's Hall on the evening of the 26th, one week from next Wednesday. The police reports are largely made up of complaints, of bad places in streets, to again inquire, have we a Street Commissioner? The new Amoskeag fire engine WaS warmed up to-day to get the grease out of the boiler. At two to morrow afternoon the steamer will be given a public test in Monumental Park. So far as we can make out, the soldiers' societies and even the reunions of late are meant for political purposes, planned by Republican schemers for drag nets to Democratic votes.

The Right Rev. Bishop Gilmour has issued a circular directing that in all churches of this diocese, irrespective of nationality, a collection will be taken up on the first Sunday of Advent to relieve the necessities of the people in the famine threatened districts of Ireland. Alonzo M. Cites, a mute and the inventor, is offering on our streets California "Quartz Emery Paste" for sharpening knives and razors. It answers the purpose admirably and poth article and vender seem to be worthy.

The Council Committee Oll Department Examination should have met Wednesday afternoon to inquire into the Police Court wrangle, but Mr. P. M. Spencer was the only member who "showed up" at the place of mecting, Mr. Spencer whiled away a little time by talking with the Police Judge, Prosecutor and Clerk.

Robert E. Chapman, who enlisted at Washington in 1878 as 1. private marine and was afterwords transferred to the United States ship Saratoga, from which ho claims to have deserted, surrendered himself to the police of this city on Thursday and was locked up to await further developements. Judge Young has enough trouble on hand at present without undertaking to foment any diflicuity with the newspapers. We advise him to confine himself strictly to his own business and not attempt to interfere with reporters in gathering news.

It will be greatly to the interest of Judge Young to follow this piece of advice. At the meeting of the Board of Trade day Mr. Clarke called the attention of the Board to the practice indulged in by outside parties of coming into the Board rooms after its adjournment and looking over the telegraph market. reports on file. After some discusion it was decided that twenty: five duplicate keys shall be made for the loor and each member wishing to purchase one can do so of the Secretary al cost price, On motion of Mr.

George Gardner the Secrotary was instructed to procure the names of these intruders and send them invitaLions to join the Board. CITY AND GENERAL. Real Estate Trausters. The following transfers of real estate have been fled for record since our last re port: Amasa Stone and wife to Michaol GazellFront on Columbus street, 30x192 feet: 8540. Joseph Colwell to Elizabeth Barkwill-137 feet along Broadway in the Eighteenth ward; quit claim: 81.

Robert it. Rhodes and others to John and Catharine Delf -Front Oil Clark avenue, 35x182 feet; 8700. Joseph Applebome aril wife to Junetta Goldsall-30 feet along Lee's court: $1,400. James M. Hoyt: and wife to James Gathervole and wife-Front on Kirtland street, 30x 141 feet; $750, S.

A. Corbin and wife to Mary E. HartOne undivided one half interest in sublets from Hamilton's No. 144 to allotment, 157 of inclusive, ten acre in lots Wyman and 9, of John Remington's subdivision; 83,500. John Moores and wife to Daniel McCueFront on Maple street, 10x 100 foet; Robert E.

Eddy and wife to Daniel McCue -Front on Frontier street, 30x107 feet; also 54 feet on Gilbert street, quit claim: $1. Same to samo-The above described property: $1,000. Same to Daniel McCue and Mary McCueFront on Fulton street. 28x100 feet, quit claim; $1. wife- Front on Smith 30x110 feet; Catharine Smith to Charles, Maurer and $100.

Charles Gumlich, guardian to Gustavus Mueller-Part of lot No. 9 in Sargent Dixon's subdivision of lots Nos. 420 to 420 inclusire in Barber Lord's allotment; $4. William Spade and others to Gustavus Mueller- -The above described property: $200. Betsy Southane to Gottleil, Kraft-About 20 1-5 acres of land in sections Nos.

24 and 25, Middleburgh; 82,219. L. Southwick and others to Helen M. Corlett-About 20 acres of lau in original lot No. 32, tract No.

3, Euclid, quit claim: $1. Charles Southwick and others to Lusena Southwick-12 acres in original lot No. 32, Euclid, quit claim; $1. A shipwrecked sailor waiting for a sail is like a business man sitting at home nursing a cough or cold. Get Dr.

Bull's Cough Syrup and be cured. Coopers on a Strike. About thirty coopers struck yesterday afternoon. They marched in a body to Eckard's shop on Linden street to induce the men employed there to strike and then marched to Reilley's shop on Centralway. The strikers were orderly and quiet.

A most righteous judgment awarded Dr. Lindsey for the wonderful cures performed by his "Blood Searcher." Sold by all druggists. LUCLID AVENUE OPERA HOUSE -MCCULLOUGI AS "KING LEAR." "King Lear" called out only a fair audience to the Opera House last evening, owing undoubtedly to the fact that the play in itself was generally considered the least attractive one in Mr. McCullough's repertoire for the week. This was au error or we were mistaken elsy in the spirit of the audience which seemed at times to be fairly carried away with enthusiasm.

At the end of the first act where the King in his terrible rage launches his curse upon the head of his daughter "Goneril" nothing short of two appearances before the curtain would appense spectators. On the whole Mr. McCullough, must be credited with giving the best interpretation of "King Lear" our stage has ever witnessed. His conscientiousness is especially prominent scenes which are universally subject to exaggeration, and sometimes it must be admitted, with good effect. His departure from the methods of other actors in some things is very completo but invariably very correct.

Mr. mado 8. splendid "Elgar," and received indiscriminate plause. The "Edmund" of Harry A. Langdon, "Duke of Albany" by W.

A. McConnell, "Duke of Cornwall" by H. C. Barton, "Duke of Burgundy" by R. Pritchard, "Earl by John A.

Lane, "King of France" by John Sutton, "Oswald" by C. IV. Vance and "Fool" by Charles Plunkett were especially praiseworthy. Miss Forsythe carried the earnest sympathy of the audience "Cor delia," and AIrs. Foster invested "Goneril" with a most proper spirit.

Miss Willett as "Regan" proved herself to be a fine reader. She has also an admirable stage presence. To-night will witness one of the largest audiences of the week. The play will be Bird's grand tragedy, "The Gladiator." ACADEMY OF THE CORSAIR," TO- NIGHT. "Evangeline" will be given for tho last time at the Saturday matinee at the Academy.

Anothor fine audience witnessed its presentation last evening. To-night "Conrad, Corsair," which has hitherto met with much favor at the hands of our people, ba produced with elegant scenery, costumes, etc. An exchange says of it: 'Conrad, is doing good business. As an travaganza it is quite the equal of and has the advantage of being hacknied. 'The parts are well sustained, Harry Hunter as the rival Richard Golden as Miss Searle as Miss Wiley ad and Fortescue tho ancient daughter of tho harem.

Thero are several musical gems in the picce, and great deal of fun, the latter including a mule fling. In fact it affords as pleasant an evening's entertainment as one could wish for." SMALL GATHERINGS. There is movement afoot to establish Shukesperian club in this city. Sale of seats for Don Thompson commences to day. What aro we going to have for holiday amusem*nt.

"Virginius" will be played at tho Saturday matinee at tho Opera House instead "Julius Cresar." Mr. J. H. lavorly got considerable advortising through the reunion of the Army the Tennessee at Chicago. The New York Mirror and the Rumbler, two dramatic sheets, have put their fortunes together.

Harvier is no longer the editor tho Mirror. P'ittsburgh nowspaper men speak so well the Church Choir party that they are doultedly a very susceptible set--so different from Cleveland, you know. It will benefit a good many people in as woll as other cities to read the communication headed "Annoyance in Public Places" another column. We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Harry Hunter yesterday.

Mr. Hunter has made himself famous in the character of the "Lone Fisherman" and thinking a brief history this remarkable creation would be general interest we induced Mr. Hunter to tell' what ho knew about it. "When 'Evangeline' was produced at Niblo's Garden Now Work sig or seven years ago," "the character was brought forward under the most peculiar circ*mstances. Some doubts were expressed as to the success and before its popularity was assured the 'Lone Fisherman' would wander through the piece as he does now, with the ception that at tho close of the last act was asked what he was there for and would reply 'I'm only one of the drawbacks; every play has Well, the creation was a good one.

Tho first man to appear in it Jake Thonian, tho comedian, who WAS followed by James S. Mailtt. Maffitt left out the speaking part and it has nover been brought into use since. assumed the character a short time afterward, and have retained it over sinco. I have now played the 'Lone Fisherman' nearly one thousand times." Mr.

Hunter was the one to troduce the dancing and most of the other ludicrous business, and such is his immonse popularity that without "Lone Fisherman" would be like-well, "Hamlet" with the character of "Hamlet" conspicuous for i its absence. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The bost salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case money rofunded. Price 25 cents per box.

For sale by Strong, Cobb 100 Superior street. AMUsem*nTS. MARINE NEWS. Port Record. Arrivals, Nov.

19. Schr Seaman, Alpena, lumber. Prop S. E. Sheldon, Marquette, ore.

Prop Egyptian, Buffalo, light. Schr Pelican, Buffalo, light. Schr S. P. Ely, Marquette, ore.

Schr Harvest Queen, Marquette, ore. Echr S. H. Kimball, Marquette, ore. Schr J.

C. Harrison, 046. Scow F. L. Jones, Islands, steno.

Barge O. Culver, Sagluaw, lumber. Barge Dolphin, Saginaw, lumber. Prop Burlington, Saginaw, lumbor. Scow Iosoo, Alabaster, piaster.

Scow William Wellhouse, Oak Harbor, lumber. Stmr Northwest, Detroit, muse. Schr Oueida, Islands, stone. Schr Thomas Parsons, Ogdensburg, iron. Sebr Mary Lyons, Ogdensburg, ore.

Scow C. Crawford, Buffalo, light. Prop East Saginaw and barges, Alpena, lumber. Clearances, Nov. 12.

Stir Northwest, Detroit, mise. Bargo Colorado, Saginaw, light. Schr Verona, Escunaba, light, Prop Michigan, Hay City, light. Prop Maine, Chicago, muse. Schr Kate Richmond, Fairport, light.

Prop Benton, Saginaw, mdse. Prop Vienna, Escanaba, light. Prop Mayflower, Saginaw light. Barge Dolphin, Saginaw, light. Schr I.

Fitshugh, Chicago, light. AROUND TILE LAKES. The Sault Canal closes Norember 25th. The schooner M. A.

Muir is ashore on North Harbor reef. On Wednesday wheat from Milwaukee to Buffalo was To. The scow Lay Trader is ashore near l'ort Bruce, Ontario. J. W.

Surles has purchased the schooner Rockaway, of Oswego, for 82,250. Ore freights remain quiet and unchanged at former quotations. Lumber freights are firmer and 83.75 is now paid from Alpena and Tawas to Ohio ports, 82 from Saginaw and 82.50 from Bay City. The Detroit Tribune says: W. Wheeler of Bay City, lavo contracted with Evans of Buffalo, to build this winter for the.

Anchor Lino at their yard a large double-deck propeller. Her dimensions are not stated, but she will be about as large as any craft afloat on tho lakes. The Nautical Gazette says: "An international, codo of fog signals, to be steam whistles and mechanical horns, showing tho courses steered, is imperativoly necessary; and there is 110 question but the adoption of such a code would very sensibly lessen the number of disasters by collision. The signals should bo very simple and not exceed eight in number." The following tablo shows the total ironore shipments from tho parts named, beginning with the opening of navigation and up to November: 6th: L'Anse, 88,274 tons; Marquette, 487,000 tons; Escanaba, 001,480 tons: total, 1,189,763 tons. The total shipments of pig iron in the same time amounted to tons; of quartz, 3,231 tons.

-Detroit Free Press. It is reported hero that the Northwestern Tranportation Company are negotiating for the purchase of the propeller Vanderbilt, of the Western Transportation Company's fleet, to take the place of the stoamship Amazon, recently wrecked at Grand Ilaven. Rumor also has it that propellers Idaho, Montana and Oneida, of the Western Transportation Company's fleet, are being negotiated for to form a line between Collinwood and Chicago next season, in place of the present Canal propellers, which, during a greater portion of the season, were unable to handle all the freight offered. Sir. Linn, of the firm of Linn Craig, the Gibraltar shipbuilders, was in the city yesterday.

Io stated that work on the two new vessols the firm are building for Cleveland parties is progressing sutisfactorily; that the steum barge is about half in frame and that the schooner is nearly ceiled and a good share of the plank on. Mr. Linn has every reason to believe that the bo out on timo. -Detroit Post and PORT HURON, Nov. 12.

-Passed up -Propellers Winslow, Arabia, India, C. J. Kershaw, Conestoga, Atlantic, Salina and barges, Bay City and barges, Belle Cross and barges, Lincoln with Groton and cousort; steamer Manitoba; schooners Nabob, Francis Palms, M. Filmore, E. Harmon, W.

H. Rounds. Passed down-Propellers CaliforNebraska, Wissabickon, Newburgh, Autelope and consort, Mary' Prindle and barges, I Chaffee and barges; steamers Marine City, W. A. Clinton; tux Andrew J.

Smith and barges; schooners Pathfinder, Nemisis, Iloiner H. Hine, Owasco. Wind, west-southwest and light; weather cloudy. PORT HURON, Nov. up-ProHellers Empire, Havana and consort, InterOcean and consort, Alaska and consort, Cormorant and consort, Garden City and consort, Jas.

S. Fay and consort, tug Gladiator with J. H. Rutter: schooners l'enokee, M. Fillmore, Mollie, Empire State, Josephine, V.

J. Dunford, Snowdrop. Down-Propellers Japan, Abercorn and barges, Clinton sort; schooners S. V. R.

Watson, Neguunce, Melvin S. Bacon. Wind, southwest, fresh; weather, fine. Health and Pleasure. Ladies, health means pleasure.

Would you bring the blooming color of the rose to your cheeks, use the famous Vienna Female Tea and l'ills, the only acknowledged cure for whites and all the other delicate weaknesses and troubles with which your sex are afflicted. Wholesale by Strong, Cobb it retail by S. 1'. Churchill. A DIED.

-November 12th, of abcess of the liver, Nellie, daughter of Joseph and the late Catherine Harrison, aged 12 years and 3 months. Funeral from the residence of her father, Joseph Harrison, No. 20 Lorain street, Friday, 14th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Friends of the family are invited.

-Willie Percy Russell, at the residence of his niother, Mrs. Ann F. Russell, No. 41 State street, November 12th, at 9:30 a. aged twenty-four years.

vember 14th, from the house. friends are Funeral at 2 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, Noinvited to attend. FINANCE AND COMMERCE FINANCE. The Local Money Market. CLEVELAND, November 18.

The local money market presents no new features this morning. Business is fairly active and money in good request. Discounts the sumo as usual and the banks are well supplied with Clearances a little better than yesterday." GOLD AND BONDS. (Corrected daily by E. B.

Hale Bankors, No. 111 Superior street.) Tho closing prices in this market for gold and government securities, are given in the following table: Buying. Selling Sixes of 1581, New 5s, 100 New Now 45, coup. and To-Day's Now York Bond and Stock Market, ly Telegraph to the PLAIN DEALER, 1 p.m. Money at per cent.

Sterling Exchange steady at 4800483. Silver in London ver ounce; silver bar here Gold and Subsidiary Silver Coin per cent. discount. Governments quiet and firm, Railroad Bonds icactive. State Securities dull.

Stocks opened strong, prices reacted per cent. Rock 1484 Panama 175 Oleveland1 litts, 104 Illinois 9956 St. Louis San F. 41 Kansas 33 St. L.

S. V. St. L. N.

O. 25 1st prefered C. St. NO pre Union Pacifc. Kansas Pacific 90 Northern 37 (llouston Northern Pac pre.

Boston Air Western Air Lice prof. Atlantic Pac Tel, 46 Pacide St, L. 1. K. 46 Wabash.

St. L. 0. N. P.

Adams 108 Burlington Qu'y 122 Wells, Fargo Uo 102 New York dontral. 130 Express Harlem 100 (U. S. Lake Canada Southern. Michigan Central, 46 Northwestern Northwestern pref St.

81 St. Paul Mian. St. Paul St. 1'.

Sigux City Delaware S.Lack.. 92 St. P. S. C.

pref. Morris Delaware New Jorsey Central Ohio Mississippi. Chos'eake Ohio. Ohio Miss. 60 0.

8240 0. J. lad. Cin. Lafa'e.

Bur. C. R. 61 Hannibal St. Joe 40 Iron 55 Han St.

Joe pref Fort .112 Chicago Louis. Nash 8-t Chi. Alton pref 113 GOVERNMENT BONDS. of 'S1, 5s, new, 1024 do 104 do Now reg 1053 Now 48, reg. do coup do coup Currency The subjoined table--aiso corrected by E.

B. Hale Co. -shows to day's opening and closing prices of tho active stacks dealt in at the New York Stock Exchange: Opening. Closing Western 108 107 Pacific Mail. 38 Adams' Express 108 108 Wells, Fargo Co.

American Merchants' U. S. N. Y. 130 130 74 Michigan 973 06 Union Lake N.

J. S9 S81 Illinois Central. 99 106 106 Pittsburgh. 104 104 Chicago Alton. C.

C. 0. Canada Southern Rock 110 St. 821 10287 Toledo 601 591 Ohio 30 Lack. Atlantic Pacific 451 Hannibal St.

40 Preferred. 401 The hoes Wour, Grain and Produco Markets. CLEVELAND, November 18. The markets this morning present a lively appearanco. It is well stocked and prices are very fair in all lines.

The supply of Butter seems to be 2. little larger and prices down a little, though it is still scarce. It is quotable to day at Eggs are unchanged, and considerable stock in market. Flour is steady and prices unchanged. There is considerable movement in.

Potatoos, Peacublows having the call at 50c from the store. Hay is steady and prices firm. There is some sale for Baled Hay, though the market is not as lively as could he desired. Onions are not very plenty in market, and are held principally by speculators, who are awaiting raise in prices. They aro quoted at $3.250 8.50, and sales this morning fully warrant it.

Pork unchanged and very firm, and the same call be said of Smoked Meats. All lines are firm, and we do not feel warranted changing quotations. Green Apples are in fair request, and good winter stock brings from $3.25 32.50. The following are the wholesale selling prices, which are carefully revised and corrected each day. The report of the sales of Grain always indicates the prices from store unless otherwise designated: -Market firm.

We quote: City makes, XXX best White Wheat, XXX White and Amber Wheat, XX No. 1 Amber Wheat, $6.70. COUNTRY BRANDS- White XX, Red XX and Amber, 80.25@0.00; Hod Spring, Wisconsin soft, $5.7506.00: Minnesota, Patent Process, 9.00. -Steady and in good demand: held at MILL FEED--Firm; Coarse Middlings, $16.00 perton: Second Fine, Fine, Shorts, $16.00: Bran, $11.00: Chopped Feed, $19.00 9.00. WHEAT -The market is more settled: No.

1 red held at $1.25 for No. 2 and $1.23 for No. 3: for No. 2 mixed. No.

2 do; OATS--Firm 37c for ac 36c white. for No. 1 state; 340 for CORN -Market frin at 49c for low mixed: 40c for high do. RYE- Fair inquiry at 82285c for good to clinice No. 2.

BUCKWIIEAT 3.50 13 cwt. BARLEY is some inquiry; State held at Western Canada at $11.00 per barrel for mess. PORK--Firm: trade is very fair; Mess, Short Mess, Extra Short Clear Prime. $9.25. LARD--Market very firm; city rendered 7c in tierces; in country rendered SMOKED MEATS--Are held very firm; Hams, De; Heavy lams, 84c; Shoulders, Bacon, Dried Beef, l1c: Country nude HamS do Bacon De; do Shoulders 0050.

BUTTER--The market is Arm ani the demand good; receipts are small: held at 210 26c for good to choice; for choice and very nice; low grades in fair request, held at for common to medium; De for prime: Creamery held at CHEESE--The firm and steady at for Ohio; York State. light; prices firin at for fresh stock in barrels and crates. POTATOES-Receits goou: and market steady winter stock is firm and the best qualities are held at bushel, SWEET POTATOES--Market strong and prices stead; at $3.2503. 50per barrel, Very firm. light: the receipts are light and the prices firmer: Chickens.

live, held at Turkeys Ducks Geese 70c each; dressed, nominal ONIONS. Danvers are held at $3.00 barrel, with a fair demand and a firm market. PEAS--Firm at $1.90 for Wisconsin and Marrowfats. CEME -Quiet but firm at the following figures: Akron, Buffalo, Fayetteville, 81.25; Louisville. Portland, Bosendale, $1.30.

SALT--The following are the present figures for Salt at wholesale in this market: Dairy, Dairy FF 28, bags, Dairy 60. alb bugs, Larry 100, 3tb bags, $2.75: Ground Solar, Coarse Diamond Diamond F. Ashton, per sack, sacks, 830; Higgius, per sack, Fine Onondaga, new, Michigan salt, new, per bbl. A discount of 5c per barrel is al lowed 011 salts in large orders for cash. Very firm, hand picked Marrows medium land picked Navy $1.25 01.30.

SEEDS -Market steady and firm: Clover held at $5.00 tor medium; $5.2565.50 for pea vine: Timothy, demand fair at per bushel: Alize Clover Red Top $1.00: Orchard Grass $1.60: Hungarian Grass Millet $1.30. OILS--Market steady and firm; Linseed active and in good demand; 80c for raw and 33c for boiled. PETROLEUM--Market quiet but steady; Standard White, car lots Standard White, 120 deg. 104c, 130 deg. Prime, 150 deg.

175 dog. 100; Water, 160 deg. Indiana test, LEMONS--Market Hrm and light stock; held steady at $5.704 per box; receipts are very snail ORANGES- Prices firm. but the stock is fair; held at per 5.00 per box. WHITE demand and steady; held aL 800 barrel in cAr lots; Toc barrel iu large lots.

WOOL--There is no change in prices aud the market is firm at 3Se as the average for good to choice grades. HONEY--Fair request at per pound in the comb: strained. HAY- -The market steady and firm; good demand for baled. We quote Timothy at $12.5 13.50 by car lots; do by the bale from store; Prairia nominal at by car lots. A Baled Straw firm 9.00.

cider gallon and pay for packages. White Wine, 17018c. -Steady at 54. 0. Ge for good to choice lots.

live geese 554.60c per 1b; mixed lots 100 200. Chicken GREEN APPLES -Market steady and firm, For good hard fruit per barrel: 400 300 per bushel. DRIED APPLES--There is somo demand at for good 1870. DRIED PEACHES -Unchanged but firm at for Southern peeled de for unpeoled, halves. 2,8.00.

CHESTNUTS-For good quality at $2.00 02.25. HICKORY NUTS--In good demand at for large sho' lbarks. Latest Ilome Markets- Transactions at the Board. CLEVELAND, Nov. 13.

Tue Grain market opened firmer and higher to-day and remained steady in sympathy with the other markets. Our home quotationson Wheat closed three cents higher than yesterday, the quotations being; No. 1 Red No. 2, No. 8, No.

2 mixed, $1.24. Corn, Oats, Rye and Barley unchanged. The following are the receipts and shipments reported to-day: ReceiptsFlour, 176 Wheat, 1,800 Corn, 3,600 Barley, 000 Butter, 107 Eggs, Coal, 351 cars; Cheese, 125 boxes; logs, 1,222 head; Cattle, 93 head. Shipments-Earloy, 93 Coal, 20 cars; Lard, 1 car; Meats, 11 cars; Tallow, 1 car. At the Stock Yards Hogs were selling at and Cattle, Lumber.

CLEARS. First 38.00 First clear, and 2 40.00 Socond clear, 1 35,00 Socond clear, 14, and 2 38.00 Third clear, 34.00 Third clear, and 2 inch 36.00 Fourth clear, or box, inch 25.00 Fourth clear, and :3 inch £8.00 Thicker than 2 inch $1.02 higher. STRIPS, Strips-Ist, 2d and 3ds 35.00 Strips- 4th quality or 22.00 Strip boards, 18.00 14.00 STOCK BOARDS. No. 1 barn :20.00 No.

:2 barn 13.00 SELECT COMMON, CONMON AND CULLS Select common, 1 10.00 Select common, and 2:2.00 Common, I inch. 13.00 Common, and 2 13.00 10.00 Joist, scantling and timber, 18 foet DILL STUFF. and 12.00 Joist, scantling and timbor, 20 feet and over, less than length. DRESSED LUMBER. Surfacing adds to the price of rough lumber 1.00 Double 2.00 Matching 2.50 Matched flooring (or ceiling), 1st and Nd clear, mixed 30.00 Matched Hooring, select 20.00 do do 22.00 do do coarse.

16.00 do do 22.00 do do ash 30.00 do siding, coved 17.00@30.00 Siding, inch, ist and N2.01 Siding, inch, box and 20.00 Siding. 14 inch', 16.00 SHINGLES, LATH POSTS. Sawed shingles, XXX. 18 3.0003.25 Sawed shingles, clear butt and No. 1 2.0002.25 Sawed shingles, No.

2... 2.00 Sawed Shingles, all 16 inch. 4.00 0.0002.45 Cedar posts- Small, 10c; medium, 14c; large, 20 Groceries. RUGARS. Granulated Crushed.

Ex. Cut Loaf 0 Sugars A sOArS. Pyle's Cleveland O. Chemical 39 White American German, white and mottled. Bell's Buffalo Soap, 100 cakes In $5.00 Forest City (pressed 6.00 Bell's 40 do 5.00 Oakley's do do 7.50 Duroka Babbitt's do do 5,00 do do 5.25 SEAS Young Imperial FOREIGN FRUITS.

Choice neir layer Figs, new do Prunes, old. Prunes, vow. MCLASSES. New Porto GREEN COFFEE. ROASTED COFFEE.

Rio 18c Fragrant Arbuckie' lUC RICE. Rangoon SALERATUS. DeLand's Chemical. Healthy 7c Gold dc Cc CANDLES. STARCH.

Pearl White Silver Oils Drugs. OILS, PAINTS, ETC. Oil. Linseed, raw. Oil.

boiled. 83688c Carbon, test Oil, Lard. Elephant, W. Oil. While, W.

B. 60075c Oil, Sperm, W. Oil, Tanners'. 450553 Spirits of Benzine 10015c Lead, white, in Zine, white, in Putty, bulk and DRUGS. Alcohol Nitrate Alum Aloes Iodide Potass $4.0001.75 Quinine Sulp.

Blue Vitriol 1.2502.50 Borax, Brimstone Flour Castile Oil, 1.00@1.25 Copperas Bergam't 3.25@3.50 Epsom Lemon. 3.2503.50 Gum Campuor. 1.500 Gum Opium. Pep'erm't 3 2503 50 Fign. White Fish, half 4.50 Trout, half 4.00 half bbl.

3.25 Pickerel, No. 1.......... 3.75 Pickerel, No. 3.00 Herring, 2.00 Mackerel, No. 1, half 8.00 Mackerel, No.

1, mess, 10.50013.00 Mackerel, No. 2, half 5.55 Mackerel, No. 2. 5.75 Mackerel, No. 3, half 4.50 Cod, French cured 4.75 Cod, George's Bank, 4.50@4.75 Salt Water Herring, 5 50 Salt Water Herrtug, balf bbls.

3:00 Smoked Halibut, Box Herring, No. 1, uew, IF YOU Want to see as fine a line of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC SUITINGS and OVERCOATINGS as has ever been shown here you should spend fifteen minutes of your time at the extensive CLOTHING, Merchant Tailoring and Gent's Furnishing Goods ESTABLISHMENT OF J. Wageman, 136 138 Superior Opposite Weddell House. MP. BEN KILLAM (lately of the firm of Rowbottom Killam) will be found In the Merchant Tailoring department and will be pleased to see his friends Hides and Leatner.

Prime cured hides, mixed 10c Green hides 708c Bulls, grubby, badly scored or damaged, price Prime dry salted hides and Prime drp flint hides and Kip 13014c Damged dry hides and Kips price Horse hides, 2.00 Prime dry veal calf. Prime cured veal calf, 8415 19 1.00@1.30 Prime dairy calf, salted 00c Winter Kip, same as hides. Prime Veal Kip. Pelts, wool estimated as 4 Sheep skins, early to $1.50 Lambs' Pelts. Rough leather, prime Tallow, 00 Tallow, dark and No.

2. DC Beeswax. 21c Outside Markets by Telegraph to the Plain Dealer, NEW YORE. NEW YORK. Nov.

13. -Cotton firmer: middling uplands 11 17-16c. Flour steadier; receipts 13.000 bols: sales 12,000 bbls; Western $3.9004.15: extra state extra Western $3.1505.50: round-hoop Ohio Rye Flour dull at Wheat feverish and unsettled; spring and winter better: receipts 482,000 bush; sales 72,000 busu No. 2 spring, December, $1.32. Rye dull: Western and State 90c.

Corn dull: receipts 04,000 bush; sales 26,000 bush at for mixed Western. Barley dull: Canada $1.00. Outs dull; receipts 19,000 bush: sales 30,000 bush at for mixed Western; for white. Pork stronger at $11.00 for now mess. Beef firm, Lard strong at at for steam rendered.

Butter 18038. Cheese Whisky $1.13. Sugar for crushed. Eggs in bulk: refined 79gc. 'Tallow BUFFALO.

l'UFFALO, Nov. very duil; sales 2,000 bush No. 1 Duluth at $1.24. Corn inactive; nixed Western 610. Oats, Rye and Barley neglected.

Canal Freights unsettled; 10 loads of wheat shipped to New York at 10c, boatmen asking 11c; corn unchanged. HIGHWINER. NEW YORE. Nov. 13.

Whisky $1.15 CINCINNATI, Nov. Whisky in fair demand at $1.09. BALTIMORE, Nov. -Whisky firm at $1.13, ST. LOUIS, Nov.

13. -Whisky $1.10. Nov. 13. -Whisky $1.10.

MILWAUKEE. noon MILWAUKEE. board Nov. advanced 103c; the closed strong at for hard: $1.17 for No. $1.14 tor No.

2 aud December; January; 81.01½ for No. 3: Doc for No. Sic for rejected; re ceipts 30,800 bush; shipments 59,800 bush. Corn Armat No. 2.

Oats firm at for No. 2. Rye steady at 69c for No. 1. Barley steady at for No.

TOLEDO. TOLEDO, Nov. firm: No. 2 red Wabash cash November December January Corn quiet; No. new Oats firm; No.

2 33c. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI, Nov. firm and unchanged. Lard unsettled at Bulk Meats and Bacon unchanged.

CHICAGO. CHICAGO, Nov. 13. -Wheat firm and higher; No. 2 spring $1 133401.14 cash: December January Corn firmer and higher at May.

Oats firm and higher at cash: May. lye Barley 750 76c. Pork strong at $10.00010.25 cash; $9.80 a), 0.90 November. Lard stroug and higher at cash; $0.05 December; January. LIVERPOOL.

LIVERPOOL. Nov. P. M. -Flour 133.

Wheat- Western spring Western red winter white 1088d a club Cora Oats Barley 5s3d. Pork 00s. Lard 368. Tallow 40s. Bacon 3450 108.

Beef 85g. l'eas Tsod. Cheese 60s, NOTICE. Moses Walkden, whose place to of reside residence unknown but who is supposed fled in the state of Nebraska, is hereby notiof that Frederick Spengel, of Cleveland, county Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, did, on the 7th day of June, A. D.

1879, file his petition in the oflice of the Clerk of the Court of Pleas within and for Cuyahoga county, Ohio, against him and Joseph c*msky, Mary c*msky, Anton setting Freund, P'etroline Freund and C. W. Schmidt, forth that on January 24, A. D. 1871, said Joseph Cumky made and delivered to this plaintiff dred his promissory Snote for 'the sum of two hunand fifty dollars, payable to the order of Frederick one year after date, with interest at the rate of eight per cent.

per annum, able annually, and at the same time, and to pay- secure the payment of said note, said Joseph c*msky and Mary c*msky mortgaged to said Frederick Spengel the following described real estate: Situate in the city of Cleveland, county of hoga and state of Ohio, and known as being sublot number seventy (70) in H. Rice's subdivision of ten acre lots Nos. 17 and 18 and is situated on the ing a 1 south ront side of 30 of Croton street, in said city, havfeet on said Croton street and a depth survey of and 125 feet, and is of equal wiath, as per plat on record, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways; that in said mortgage said Mary c*msky released her right of dower in said premises: that said mortgage was tiled for record with the Recorder of Cuyahoga county, Janaary A. D. 1871, at o'clock m.

of said day and was by him duly recorded in volume 135, page of said Cuyahoga county records; that the condition of and said mortgage is broken; that sail note is due there is to plaintiff thereon the sum of two at hundred and fifty dollars, with interest thereon able the annually, ra of from eight per cent. per annum, January 24th, 1875; that said Moses Walkden claims some title to or interest in is the above described premises and that the same said inferior petition to plaintift's claim. The prayer of ment against is that said plaintiff may have judgsaid Joseph c*msky for the sum of ver $250.00, ceut. with per interest thereou at the rate of eight aunum, payable annually, from January premises 24th, may be A. D.

1875; that said mortgaged as prayed for, and sold for to pay plaintit's judgment, other proper relief. The defendant, Moses Walkden, is hereby notifled that ho is required to appear and answer said his petition claim and or set forth the nature and extent of before the third lien ou said described premises on or six weeks Saturday after the expiration of or in default from the first publication of this notice, thereof iudgment will be taken as prayed for in said petition. FREDERICK SPENGEL. By A. ZERRING, his Attorney, Room 1, No.

382 Superior street. November 13th. A. D. 1879.

6wTh MASTER'S SALE, MASTER LOTS ON COMMISSIONER'S LORAIN SALE STREET. -Pursuant to the command of an order of sale issued from County, the Ohio, Court of Comnion Pleas of Cuyahoga October 24th, 1870, in the suit of James Haines O. and Krider, plaintiff, and Bernard Blee, H. offer N. Roy, Noyes Brother, defendof ants.

I shall at public sale at the south door the County Court louse, Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, the 13th day of December, A. 1879, betweell the hours of two and three o'clock in the wit: afternoon, the following described promises, toSituated In the City of Cleveland, County of lots Cujahoga numbers and State of Ohio, and known as city in James Purdy's eighty-two (82) and eighty-three (83) dred allotment of a part of one hun(49) in and the sixty-four acre lot number forty -eight of Cleveland) township of Brooklyn (now in the city in said county, for a more particular description of which reference is hereby made to a of map of said allotment recorded in the records forty said five county but in volume one maps, page (45), subject nevertheless to all legal highways. 82 appraised at $180. Lot 83 appraised Terms of sale cash. C.

B. BERNARD, Master Commissioner. HYDE MARSH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. MASTER'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, MASTER'S of SALE.

order of -Pursuant sale issued to from the the Court of Common Pleas within and for the day county of of November, Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 7th therein pending A. D. 1879, in a certain action and Gregor Dietz, wherein Louis Krueger is plaintiff man Mary A. Dietz, Charlotte Eiledirected and and Society delivered for Savings are defendants, and sale at public auction at to me, I shall offer for County Court the south side of the House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, the 13th day of December, A. D.

1879, in betwron the the afternoon hours of two (2) and three (3) o'clock scribed lands and said day, the following detenements, to-wit: ahoga Situated and in state the city of of Ohio, Cleveland, county of CuyNo. seventy-two (72) of the subdivision of a sublot and known as of lloyt original and ten recorded acre lot No. 15 made by James part county, in book in the Recorder's office of said page 48, reference No. for two of particulars maps and as subdivisions, ing had to said recorded land subdivision. hereby conveyed be aud boundaries of the the size Appraised at 36,875.00.

Terms of sale, cash. TIIONAS GRAVES, Master Commissioner, STONE HESSENATELLER, 83 Public Square. nov13 5wTh Plaintiff's Attorneys. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Forest DIENTS FFERS RIOR INDUCE- SUPEto young men and level A women RAPID wishing to HANDWRITING, secure obtain business.

a practical knowledge of Bookkeeping and CLASSES. JOIN THE DAY OR EVENING First week free. Full Course of Phonography, $10. TT 11. TANNER, Principal, Entrance, No, Public Square.

or SUBSCRIBE for the Dally, Tri-Weekly Weekly PLAIN DEALER, AMUsem*nTS. EUCLID AVENUE OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, eminent November 10th, Ole week only, the Tragedian, JOIN McCULLOUGH! Supported and a by most the popular actor FRED. P. WARDE powerful company, under the management of Win.

W. Conner. Thursday Evening. November 13th, THE GLADIATOR! FRIDAY EVENING, November 14th, BRUTUS; or, the Fall of Tarquin. SATURDAY quest MATINEE, of the 2 ladies, by special reVIRGINIUS.

SATURDAY EVENING, November 15th, RICHARD LIT. DENS Monday, November 17th, THOMPSON AS JOSHUA WHITCOMB. tickets Box oflien Thursday ongn morning, of November Den. 13th. Thompson ACADEMY OF MUSIC.

JOHN A. agar. Positively Last Three Nights and Grand Matinee Saturday, November 13th, 14th and 15th, 1879, EVANGELINE COMBINATION The Thursday, superb Friday Musical and Saturday Evenings, tixed Prom Lord Byron's Poem, dramaExtravaganza. CONRAD, THE CONS AIR, AND HIS BLOOMING BRIDE With Grand all the Chorus, Original Supero strength of Enlarged Orchestra and full Costumes, the Evangelino Company in the cast. time the American MATINEE, nositively for the last SATURDAY Opera Bouffe Extravaganza With all the original musie by Edward E.

Rice. 50 MATINEE PRICES--Orchestra and 1 Dress Cirelo cents; Family Cirele 25 cents. CURTAINS, CURTAINS. S. of Every 1101 CT Made up in the NEW YORK STYLES A A with I I METAL WOOD POLES.


MASTER'S SALE. MASTER'S of an SALE. -Pursuant to from the Court of alias order of sale issued the county of Common Pleas within and for the 12th day of Cuyahoga November, and siato of Ohio, on. action therein pending wherein A. D.

1879, Aurilla in a Beckwith certain is defendants plaintiff and and William Barnard and shall offer for sale at directed public and delivered to me, I others are door of the Couuty Court auction at the south on House, Cleveland, Ohio, at Thursday, tho 1Sth day of December, :1. D. 1879, said the day, hour the of two (2) o'clock in the afternoon of to-wit. following lots and parcels of land, ty of Situato Cuyalinga in the and township of East Cleveland, sublot 1. state of Ohio, and known ag coun8, 9, 10, 11, 13.

less 14, the 15, 16, south 40 feet, sublots Nos. 7, lots 3 aud 4, 40 feet off the the south two feet strip, sub No. 1 and sublot No. 17. all in eud of sublot derson's allotment of parts of original Barnard lots and Nos.

An390 parcels and are 397, in said township. Said less the south appraised 40 fett, as follows: Sublot No. 1, sublots and sublot sublot No. sublot No. 9, sublot No.

sublots No. Nos. 10, 13, sublot No. 11, $70.00 each; two feet strip, 14. 15, 10 sublots and Nos.

28, No. 1. 4, $280.00, 40 feet off south end of sublot and Ternis of and sublot No. 17, $60.00. sale, cash down.

WILLIAM I. HUDSON, Room Master Commissioner, ROBISON No. 235 Superior street. Th WHITE, Attorueys for Plaintiffs. DOLLAR STORE.

AURORA DOLLAR STORE. LAMPS. We $1.00. are Also offering have a the large finest line Lamp ever sold offer at 10c, 200, 00c, 75c, of $1.00 camps that we for each. avi $2.00 Night Lamps, Hanging Lamps, brass, Sewing, Lamps and Parlor Lamps.

The latest NOVELTIES in Genuine English Majolica Ware. Single pieces from 10c to $1.00. is The assortment mostly TABLE WARE, SIDELOARD AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS and being sold at half the usual price. F. W.

WARDWELL 00. 210 uperior Street. DIVORCE NOTICE. residence unknown, ASIIWOOD, whose place of llonora Ashwood did, is hereby notified that 1879, file in the ofice of on the the Clork 27th of day of June, Common Pleas of Cuyahoga county, the Ouio, Court her of tition for divorce, charging him with gross peleet of duty and willful absence for three negand praying to be divorced from him, which years. tition will stand for hearing six weeks after the pedate of this notice.

Dated By Novembor HENDERSON 1. 1879. KLINE, her Attorney. HONOR.A ASHWOOD. novl 6w8 of appointed and Executor on the, undersigned has been estate Maria Haycox, deceased, late of East, 14 i xecutor JADES WADE, and, of the will of Maria Haycox, deceased.

Sept. 2U, 1879. sep26 3.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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