The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

PLAIN DEALER-FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER. 14. "1879. Church socials are in order. A Cleveland man is working up the tole! phone fever in Youngstown.

Harper for. December at Evans, Van Epps Co's. Last winter's dancing clubs are being revived. It is the fellow who cats the chestnuts in the dark who catches the worm. The end of Swiss street bridge was left in a dangerous condition by the late rains.

The Forest street culvert over Kingsbury run ought to be repaired. Robert Hurlbut, on a trial for highway rabbery, was to-duy convicted by the jury. A horse and wagon, supposed to belong to some pretzel baker, were found loose in Ontario street at two o'clock this morning. A bad hole in Broadway at Davis street ought to claim the Street Commissioner's attention. case against J.

IT. Broat has been dismissed for want of prosecution. No one appeared against him. The catch basin at the corner of Detroit street and Waverly avenue is filled with dirt. S.

D. Adams, has been added the counsel for the defense in the case Noller. The new Huron Street Hospital will ready for the reception of patients by next Monday. C. Elmore, Berea farmer, came into: town yesterday to see the sights, trotted his team across the Viaduct and was arrested.

William Reise, seventeen years old, living at No. 48 Sumner street, is in prison on the unfilial charge of assaulting his father. The second grand soirce of the White Rose Social Club will be given in Heard's Hall on the evening of November 26th. A. Benton, who became insane after the murder of his wife by Adin, died yesterday at the asylum.

M. Davis, of the West Side, reports losing a pocketbook containing a gold neckchain and locket, in the vicinity of Monumental Park, Friday afternoon. The Eighth ward Democrats will caucus this evening for a candidate for the Council vacancy and the Republicans will caucus to-morrow evening. Some of those Third ward Republican bummers will find it troublesome to plain away, before 2 Grand Jury, their violation of the Seitz law. The blocks with which the Pearl street pavement was repaired are lying around loose and the pavement is dangerous travel at night.

Mrs. Pownson, of Rockport, reports that yesterday afternoon she lost her portmonnaie, containing about $11, in Superior street. The Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati Indianapolis Railway Company has been granted a permit to lay an additional track across Mill street. Two pocket pooks were found in the strect yesterday and reported to the police. One had a small sum of money in it, the other had a peddler's license.

The blocks with which the Brondway pavement in the Fourteenth ward was paired were washed out by the recent rains, leaving the street in a dangerous condition. Every dog that bites anybody now and every dog that is shot is reported to mad. The authenticated cases of hydro phobia do not tally at all with the number of mad dogs reported. An old bachelor Congressman called a young lady and stayed until after the regular hour of ten. She was chided her father Dext morning, when she "said: "Ta, were only holding 1 little extra session." Walter Lavello walked into the river from Barnheisel's dock last evening and was drowned.

JIg was a laborer and went to the dock to load coal on the steamer East Saginaw. His stepping off the dock was due to darkness. Maggie McGuirk, who was sometime sentenced to the Workhouse for a year the Police Judge on I I a charge of intoxication was on Friday relcased by a writ habeas corpus, the Probate Judge holding that the sentence was excessive. Ben Davis, night watchman at Woodland Cemetery, will become an experienced if the bodysnatchers continue make targets of themselves for him to practice on. Len has done considerable shooting of late, though he has brought down no game.

A respectably appearing man about sixty years of age was found wandering about the streets this morning in an insane condition. Ic gave his name as George Whitney and his occupation as that of merchant. Ic wras turned over to Sheriff to await medical examination. The Council and Board of Improvements. are having a tilt over Mr.

Devine's resolution requesting the Board to report why Otis Iron and Steel Company are permitted to blockade Lawrence street with railroad tracks. The Board contends that Council granted permission 10. lay tracks while tho Council holds that it is duty of the Board to keep all thoroughfares of the city open to travel. The West Side Street Railway Company was some time ago ordered to repair wretoued pavement of Lorain street along' the line of their road, but as the order not yet been complied with the Board Improvements has instructed the Street the Commissioner expense of to the repair company. the pavement A few days ago a mau gave himself to the police, saying that he was a deserter from the army.

Ic was kept in prison while and then tried. The trial resulted: in his acquittal. Now a fellow has given himself up to the police claiming to deserted from the navy. He will get bourd and lodging until the truth or falsity of his statement is ascertained. Sankey sald before leaving Cleveland that the pictures of himself and Moody' hawked a about at the doors of places where they held meetings were not sold for their benefit, that they do not know how, when: or where the pictures were obtained, the peddlers follow them everywhere have become a great nuisance they have no redress and cannot get rid of them.

it is with the sale of the singing books. The morning papers by some recent items convey the impression that the ters of the Good Shepherd propose to out a cemetery in the rear of their Iome. 'This is not the case. The rules of the der forbid any of the Sisters leaving premises, and therefore they could visit the grave of a dead sister uuless buried within the Home grounds. .111 they asked was permission to bury their own dead within their own inclosure.

Their number 1s not large. The metcoric shower which Professor' Tice predicted for last night failed to come to time. But it may "show up" to-night. Astronomers have so many figures to make in their calculations that it is sometimes dillicult for them to hit on the precise If they predict within a week of an event they take credit to themselves. The terial for a meteoric shower 13 no doubt floating around in the vicinity of the earth and if our atmosphere happens to strike that material there will be a gorgeous hibition in the heavens.

The Grand Jury somehow failed indict Cohen alias Kohen, whose demand for baled. We quote Timothy at 812.50@, 18.50 by car lots: do by the bale from sicro; Prairia nominal at by car lots. Baled Straw firm VINEGAR- Pure cider gallon and pay for packageR. White Wine. TALLOW -Steady at for good to choice lots.

FEATHERS -Prime live geose per to; mixed lots Chicken GREEN APPLES -Market steady and firm. For good hard fruit per barrel: 400 50c per bushel. DRIED APPLES -Thore is some demand at for good 1879. firm at DRIED -Unchanged but for Southern peoled (ic for unpeeled, CHESTNUTS--For good quality at JUCKORY NUTS -In good demand at Toc680 for large shuilbarks. Lalest Home at the Board.

CLEVELAND, Nov. 14. The (train market was firmer and higher all around to day. Chicago and New York, as well as foreign markets, were stronger and in sympathy with this. Our home market was advanced, the quotations at closing being: No.

1 lied, No. 2, No. 3, No. 2 mixed, $1.27, being aIl advance on yesterday's quotations of three cents all around. Corn remained unchanged.

Oats, No. 1 No. white being an advance one cent. Considerabie movement in Grain of all kinds and business improving generally. The following are the receipts and shipments reported to-day: ReceiptsFlour, 458 Wheat, 000 Corn, 3,600 Oats, 4,000 Barley, 4,000 Hay, 1 car; Potatoes, 5 cars; Butter, 177 Eggs, 73 Coal, 288 cars: Hogs, 1,074 head; Cattle, 58 head; Wool, 54 sacks.

Shipments-Flour, 730 Wheat 450 Oats, 800 Rye, 1,500 Barley, 3,000 Coal, 20 cars; Meats, 7 cars; Corn, 2,225 tons; Feed, 4 cars. At the Stock Yards Hogs were selling a at 83.50@$3.70 and Cattle, Stock Market. CLEVELAND, Nov. 13. by Fritz Owen, Live Stock Commission Hogs--Total receipts 911 head; market firm with an upward tendency; choice heavy, medium, light, rough, head, very fine, average 297, sold for $3.80.

Cattle Receipts, 37 head; steers, cows and heifers, Lumper, CLEARS. First clear, 38.00 First clear, and 2 40.00 Second clear, 1 inch. 35.00 Second clear, and 2 38.00 1 34.00 Third clear, and 2 inch 36.00 Fourth clear, or box, 1 inch 25.00 Fourth clear, and 2 inch £8.00 Thicker than 2 inch higher. STRIPS. Strips -1st, 2d and 3ds 35.00 Strips-4th quality or 22.00 Strip boards, 18.00 Strips -Fencing 14.00 STOCK BOARDS.

No. I 20.00 No. 2 barn 15.00 SELECT COMMON, COMMON AND CULLS Select common, 1 19.00 Select common, and 2 22.00 Common, I Common, and 2 13.00 10.00 BILL STUFF. Joist, scantling and timber, 18 feet and 13.00 Joist, scautling and timber, 20 feet. and over, $6 less than length.

DRESSED LUMBER. Surfacing adds to the price of rough 1.00 Double 2.00 Matching 2.50 Matched flooring (or ceiling), 1st and 2d clear, mixed 30.00 Matched Hooring, select 20.00 do do 22.00 do coarse. 16.00 do do 22.00 do do ash 30.00 do siding, coved 17.00@30.00 Siding, inch, 1st and 02.00 inch, box and 20.00 Siding, inch, 10.00 SHINGLES, LATH AND POSTS. Sawed shingles, XXX, 18 3.0003.25 clear butt and No. 1 2.0002.23 Sawed shingles, No.

2... 2.00 Sawed Shingles, all 10 inch. 2.00 9.00@2. 5 Codar posts--Small, 1.0c; medium, 100; large, 20 SUGARS. Granulated 10 (Y Crushed.

Ex. 0 yew. 9c Cut Loaf Sugars ......9 A SOAPS. Cleveland Chemical 34.0 l'yle's0. American Casulo.

White German, white and mottled. Bell's Buffalo Soap, 100 cakes in $5.00 Forest City (pressed 6,00 Bell's do do 5.00 Oakley's do do 7.50 Eureka do 5.00 babbitt's do do 6.25 TEAS, Young My son Black. Gunpowder. FOREIGN FRUITS. Choice Raisins, new layer new Valencia do Prunes, old, MOLASSES.

New Porto GREEN COFFEE, ROASTED COFFEE. Rio Fragrant 20c 19c RICE. Rangoon SALERATUS. DeLaud's Te Gold 6c CANDLES. ........150 STARCH.

Pearl White 7c Silver 1C Fisa. White Fish, half 4.50 Trout, 4 half 4.00 Ciscoes, half bbl. 3.25 Pickerel, No. 1.... 3.76 Pickerel, No.

2.. 3.00 Herring, 2.00 Mackerel, No. 1, half 8.00 Mackerel, No. 1, mess, new 10.50@13.00 Mackerel, No. half 5.55 Mackerel, half 6.75 Mackerel, No.

3, haif 4.50 Cod, French cured 4.70 Cod. George's Bank, 32 1.50@4.73 Salt Water Herring, bbl. 6.50 Salt Water Herring, halt 3.00 Smoked Halibut, at to Box Herring, No. 1, new. Oils and brags.

OILS, PAINTS, ETC. Oil. Linseed, raw. 83c Carbon, Linseed, test boiled Oil, 506.65c Oil, Elephant, Oil, Whale, W. Oil, Oil, Sperm, W.

Spirits of 44045c Benzine. 10015c Lead, white, in Zinc, white, in Putty, bulk and DRUGS. Alcohol 82.02@2.25 Nitrate Aloes Iodide Potass Blue Alum Vitriol Quinine Sulp. 2.80@3.00 Borax, refined. Sugar Brimstone Flour Castile Oil, Oil, 1.00€1.25 Copperas Oil, Bergam't 3.25@3.50 Epsom 3.25@3.50 Gum Oil, Gum Opium.

l'ep'erm't 50 Hides and Leather. Prime cured hides, mixed 10c Green hides Bulls, grubby, badly scored or damaged, price Prime drp flint hides and Prime dry salted i hides and 11012c Damged dry hides and Kips price Horse hides, green 2.00 1.00@1.50 Prime dry veal Prime cured veal calf, ibs. 130 Prime dairy calf, salted. U0c Winter Kip, same hides. Prime Veal Pelts, wool estimated as 4 Sheep skins, early to late Lambs' l'elts.

Rough leather, prime 28(030c Tallow, Tallow, dark and No. bc 21c Outside Markets by Telegraph to the Plain Dealer. NEW YORE. NEW. YORK, Nov.

irregular: middling uplands Flour firm; receipts 22,000 bbls; sales 13,000 bbls: Western extra State extra Western roundhoop Ohio $5.6067.50. Rye Flour dull at $5.20 Wheat, spring shade firmer, winter 102e No. higher; red receipts 352,000 bush; sales 56,000 bush; November $1.41. Rye quiet; State and Canada 90c. Corn quiet; receipts 79,000 bush; sales 15,000 bush at 384g 5Sc for mixed Western, Barley quiet; six-rowed State Oats quiet; receipts 32,000 bush; sales 34,000 bush at for mixed Western; for white.

Pork firmer at $11.00 for mess. Beef steady. Lard stronger at $7.35 for steam rendered. butter 18640c. Cheese Whisky $1.15.

Sugar for crushed. Eggs 17643c. Petroleum-Crude, in barrels; refined Tallow BUFFALO at $1.20. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed Western oftled; A sales 3,000 bush No.

1 Green Bay, to arrive, BUFFALO, Nov. very dull and unsetfered at 50c. Oats nominal. Rye offered at 82c. Barley neglected.

Canal Freights steady at for wheat for corn to New York. Railroad: Freights at 12c for wheat and for corn to New York. MILWAUKEE. DILWAUKEE. Nov.

Wheatadvaned the noon board closed firm at $1.18 for hard; $1,17 for No, for No. 2 and November; 21 E. HULL'S CLOTHING ANNOUNCEMENT. Lent, To Let, For Sale, Lost or Found, Strayed or Stolen, not excering Four Lines, will be inserted in both editions for 25 cents. MENDING NOTICE.

ORDER OF HIBERNDivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8, you house, Pearl street, Sunday next at 1 p. m. sharp are requested to meet at St.

Malachi's school to attend the funeral of Brother Walter Laville. By order. INO. CALVEY, C. D.

JAS. HARDING: 0. 8. novl4b AUCTION SALE. FOR mules, SALE weighing AT from 2,300 AUCTION-6 to 2,600 Is large per pair, 11 carts, West 2 trucks River aud street, cart close to harnesses, Viaduct, at 15th, at 1 Mulescan be seen at FRED Day's Dock.

Nov. KIMBERLY'S, Auctioneer, 127 Champlain street. WANTED. competent cook, washer and ironer. Please call at 1276 Euclid avenue.

-A GIRL- To do general housework. Apply at Stock Exchange, Scranton avenue, South Side. ANTED--A SITUATION- -To do chamber work boarding house by a middle-aged woman with seven years' experience; of references given. Enquire at 82 Sheriff FOR SALE. FOR Longwood SALE avenue, SE No.

30; AND lot 00x235 LOT--On feet; two-story frame house, 15 rooms, with all a modern frontage imon Harmon; 2 houses, 1 fronting on each street; provements. Lot on Vine street, size of lot 30x fraine houses in good condition. Lot on Brighton street, No. 1l: size 03x1.37. of the above I offer for sale on the most rea- of sonable terns.

They are part of the estate For Nathan Now, and must be sold. terms apply to my attorneys, I. Mix, SANGER, Noble Assigned White, or to the undersigned, A. of Nathan New. Bankrupt.

MISCELLANEOUS. Crystal, in Lace, gold Perfumed 10v. Chromo Clinton 62. Cards, Clintonville, Ct. nv5: Indictoualy Invested in $25 to $50001 Wail tion for lays fortnues the founds- every week, and pays immense profits by the New Capitalization tion System to ADAMS, BROwN Bankere, 28 Broad N.

ofoperating In Stocks. Fullexplanation on applicaPASSAGE AGENCYST Established in the year 1851. Railroad tickets East and West, first and second class, good on any express train, at the lowest excursion to or rates. from Passage tickets for all mail line steamers Liveryool, London, Glasgow, Queenstown, Belfast, Dublin, Derry. Bristol.

Cardiff, Piymouth, Bremen, Hamburg, Paris, Havre, at considerably reduced rates. Drafts on the old country now lower than ever at Wagner's European Passage, Foreign Exchange and Railroad Ticket Office, No. 178 and 180 Superior street, opposite Weddell House. J. C.

WAUNER BRO. SPECIAL Bank, 149 NOTICE. Ontario -The street, Ilolmes prepared Seto make LOANS on diamonds. watches, gold and silver goods of all kinds at lowest rates. Also they have $20,000 worth of the above articles, which must be sold in the next 60 days.

aul3 MEDICAL. POSITIVELY and RADICALLY SCHN cures all BLOOD DISEASES, no matter how bad or of how long stunding. Cases supposed to be incurable especially solicited. Testimonials of cures Dr. John Tripp's Blood Purifer sent to any address.

T. H. GOODSELL, Western Agent, 2 Seneca street. Cleveland, O. Alg27 CURTAINS.

CURTAINS Antique Lace Curtains, $8.00 a Pair. We have just added a very stylish Antique Lace Curtain at the above low price. Do not fail to in spect our stock before purchasing. Vincent, Sturm Barstow, Headquarters for Furniture and Curtains, Nos. 114.

116 and 110 Water Street. MILLINERY. OUR Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats. 100 DOZEN 1 wo are selling at 25, 35, 50, 65, 75 CENTS AND $1.00, in all the newest styles. Call at our store before buying your Hats.

Sco our BARGAINS. Sloss Brothers, 235 Superior St. and 126 Seneca St. WE ARE MAKING MORE SHIRTS To Order than ever before at this season of the year. The Reason Why Fis that we are a Better Shirt for the money than any other house land warrant fit.

T. C. JOHNSON. 14 Public Squara. FURNITURE.

Camp Chairs. Wo are pleased to announce to public that we have the largest Factory and the best facilities for manufacturing Furniture in Cleveland and can and will undersell any house in the city; Factory, 14 to 24 Parkman Street. Warcrooms, 148 to 151 Woodland Are. J. Herig Sons, Furniture Manufacturers, Warerooms connected by Steam Passenger Elevator.

TF YOU HAVE A STOCK OF DRY Goods, or of Boots and Shoes, or of Hats or Capa, or of Hardware, or of Millinery, or of thing else, that von wiah to cell, Ad Cleocland Wlain Dealer. DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. New Advertisemeuts. Euclid Av. Opera Mouse--Brutus.

Academy of Music -Evangeline. E. R. lull -Clothing. l'ardridge Co.

-Dry Goods. S. Herenden Furuiture Co. -Furniture. J.

S. D1. Eddy Sale. Henry -Legal Notice. Hutchins Campbell- -Deposition Notico.

M. llallo Jno. M. Wilcox-Sheriff's Sale. 1276 Euclid avenue -Girl 1C.

I. Baldwin Co. -Dry Goods 4 Locals, TO ADVERTISERS. The attention of all business mon is directed to the PLAIN DEALER now as a medium of advertising. It has never before had so large a circulation, and the business men who appreciato the situation ought to take advantage of it by judicious advertising.

TO AGENTS. DEALER Agents are for the requested daily not and to send weckly us PLAIN other than three cent postage stamps as change. We cannot use stamps of a larger denomina tion. Ladies' Cloth-top Button with and without Cork Soles. S.

RANNEY SON. The new colors in Cotelines, Jutes, Tapestries and Canton Flannels for Draperies, at E. I. BALDWIN Pole Cornices. E.

I. BALDWIN Co. Orders received for all kinds of Floral at Vaupel's, 306 Euclid acenue. They are from the Greenhouse of W. Scofield Co.

White Kid Opera Slippers-very nice. S. RANNEY SON. Antique Lace Curtains $7.00 a pair. E.

I. BALDWIN Co. "Dongola" Button for Ladies, just in. S. RANNEY SON.

Special Nottingham Curtains $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. E. I. BALDWIN CO. Ladies' and Misses' fine Slippers, Ties and Strap Sandals.

S. RANNEY SON. Fancy Ball Curtain Fringes. E. I.

B. Co. No "Shoddy" Goods to give low quotations. S. RANNEY SON.

To Pittsburgh. Two trains each are now running between Cleveland Pittsburgh over tho new route via the Atlantic Great Western and Pittsburgh Lake Erie Railways, leaving Atlantic depot, Scranton avenue, at 7:10 m. and 2:10 p. reaching Pittsburgh without change at 1:05 and 8:20 p. ul.

Chow Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco Gents', Boys' and Youths' fino Button, Congress and Laco Shoes. S. RANKEY SON. Eighth Ward Democratic Caucus. hereby requested to meet in the Vermont The I Democrats of the Eighth ward are Street Station on Friday evening, November 14th, 1870, at seven o'clock, the polls to remain open till nine o'clock p.m., of said day, for the purpose of placing in nomination one candidate for Trustee, to fill vacancy.

By order M. WELSII, Committeeman. MARINE NEWS. Port Record. Arrivals.

Nov. 13. George H. Warmingion, Marquette, ore. Schr C.

H. Johnson, Marquette, ore. Prop Pacific, Buffalo, mdse. Prop Portage, Buifalo, mdso. Prop Ontario, Port Colborne, light.

Prop Colorado, Buffalo, light. Prop Cleveland, Saginaw, Barge Birkhard, Saginaw, lumber. Stmr City of Detroit, Detroit, mdse. Schr Ed Kelley, Escanaba, ore. Prop Sanilac, Uscoda, lumber.

Prop H. B. Tuttle, Marquette, ore. Schr George H. Ely, Marquette, ore.

Schr Erio Bello, Kingston, pig iron. Clearances, Nov. 13. Stir City of Detroit, Detroit mdso. Prop Cloveland, Bay City, light.

Prop Burlington, Bay City, light. Schr Huron, Toronto, coal. Schr M. P. Barkalow, Detroit, coal.

Scow William Wellhouse, Marblehead, light. Schr S. P. Ely, Marquette, light. Schr S.

I. Kimball, Islands, light. Scow F. L. Jones, Detroit, light.

Prop Portage, Milwaukee, mdse. Prop Pacific, Portage, mdse. Prop Colorado, Milwaukeo, muse. AROUND THE LAKES. Captain John Kelley has bought tho tug A.

W. Wright for $3,000. The propeller Oliver Culver is getting a a now outfit at Grover Son's loft. It is expected that the William Edwards will get away Saturday morning. It is reported that the Detroit Cleveland Stoam Navigation Company is about to build another now steamor after the plan of the City of Cleveland, now ready to launch.

Tho schooner Gold Hunter, ashore 011 a reef off Black River, is rapidly going to pieces. On Thursday the rate on corn from Chicago to Buffalo was The schooner C. K. Nims, of Buffalo, ran ashore at Point Albino on Thursday morning but was pulled off without any damage. The following charters were reported on Thursday: Egyptian and Pelican, ore, Marquette to Cleveland, schooner I.

N. Fos. tor, coal, Cleveland to Chicago, schooner Red White and Blue, coal, Cleveland to Milwaukee, schooner A. J. Rogers, coal, Cleveland to Chicago, $1.25.

The offioers of the Northwestern Transportation Company deny the rumor that they are negotiating for the purchase of the propeller Vanderbilt, of the Western Transportation Company's ilcet. PORT HURON, Nov. up-Propellers Chauncy lurlbut and consort, A. A. Turner and bargos, Tompest and barges; schooners Sweetheart.

B. Evoleigh, Niagara. Passed down-Propellers Huron City, Buffalo; tug City of Alpena and barges: schoonners Ellen Spry, Lottie Wolf, E. L. Coyne, Nellie Gardner, C.

C. Barnes, lercules, Higgie and Jones, City of Chicago, Colonel Cook, Michigan, Flying Mist, Jane Belle, Sunnyside, Our Son, Emma Mayes, Statford. Wind southwest and light; weather fine. The following regarding the Anchor Line's new propeller is from the Bay City Chronicle and Tribune: "Tho dimensions of noW boat are as follows: Length of keel, 238 feet; width of beam, 3044 feet; depth of hold, 15 feet, with a burthen of about 1,850 tons, custom house measurement, the largest craft over built oil the Saginaw river. Sho is to have one compound engine of the latest improved design, which will be built at Buttalo.

She will be made after the model of the propeller Wisshickon-that is, if mane a freight boat, it is not decided as yet whether she will be built for the freight or passenger trade. If made a passenger boat her cabin will have tho latest modern improvements for the accommodation of passengers. Work will be commenced OIL the propeller immediately at Mr. Wheeler's yard, and it is expected that sho will be ready to receive her machinery about the middle of next summer, Her cost will reach $100,000." l'ORT HURON, Nov. up -Propellers Benton, Lowell, Portage, May.

flower and barges, Yosemite and barge, Gazelle and barges, steamer W. R. Clinton; schooner Josephine, Jura. Down--Propellers Roanoke, Ontonagon. Milwaukee No.

1, Milwaukee No. 2, P'orter Chamberlin and consort; schooners B. F. Bruce, Wabash. Wind, southwest, fresh; heavy rain.

PERSONAL MENTION. Dir. John McCullough, the tragedian, diued on Wednesday at the residence of Mr. William Edwards and on Thursday at the residence of Mr. John Tod.

The Brooklyn Guards 011 Wednesday evening presented handsome swords and belts to their First and Second Licutenants, Mr. W. C. Towns and Mr. B.

F. Storer. Extraordinary Weather, The high temperature of the past few days has been altogether out of season. Added to that singularity, thunder and ligutning accompanied the heavy rain storin at noon to day. FASILION NOTES.

-Fur collars are little worn by ladies this season, this will give riso to many severe coughs and colds. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a certain and safo curo in every case, Price 25 cents. CITY AND GENERAL. illegal voting the Bob Sullivan gang and Republican Committco has been in such tribulation.

We do not derstand it. Judge Tilden remarked after hearing the testimony that Cohen was homeless wanderer on the face of the carth, which would imply that Cohen has no legal residence in Ohio and therefore is not entitled to vote here. But then; the county went Republican by nearly six thousand majority aud the Republicans feel as though they must protect their 80 they; have succeeded; in setting Cohen freo. WEATHERWISE. CLEVELAND, Nov.

14. 'The following is the result of the 'United States Signal Corps observations taken at 7:35 (Washington mean time) this morning: The pressure has fallen very rapidly in the Northwest and Upper Mississippi Valley duri ing the night, being very low over these sections, accompanied by slightly lower temperature, fresh southeast to southwest winds and clear weather. In the Upper, Lake Region rapidly falling pressure, lower temperuture, partly cloudy weather and light northerly winds. Over the Lower Lake Region, rapidly, rising temperature, falling pressure and cloudy weather, with occasional rain areas in the westorn and eastern portions and generally, southerly winds. The pressure is still falling in the Far West.

The area of low pressure in the Northwest will pass over here between this and midnight, accompanied by rain. Rain fell during the night at Alpena, Buffalo, Chicago, La Crosse and Oswego. The prossuro is highest at Albany (30.16); and lowest at Pembina (20.43). Temperature this moruing was as follows: Cleveland, 62; Albany, 4S; Buffalo, 62; Chicago, 59; Detroit, 61; Duluth, 40; (trand Havon, 50; Milwaukee, 45: Pembina, 26; Port Huron, 60; St. Paul, 30; Toledo, 02; Yankton, 34; Sandusky, 64.

The maximum temperature at Cleveland in' the shade up to 3 p. m. to-day was 70 degrees, minimum temperature, 59. Amount of rainfall since 9 8. m.

to lay .54 of an inch. Maximum velocity of wind this forenoon, 28 miles per hour, from the south, variable. NOON PROGNOSTICATIONS. WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER, WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 A.

M. For the Lower Region threat-' ening weather, light rain, increasing east to south winds, with falling barometer, followed by slightly cooler west to northwest winds and rising barometer during the night. Cautionary signals are ordered for Port Huron, Alpona, Mackinac, Detroit, Section Toledo, Sandusky, Cleveland, Section 0, Erie Buffalo, Rochester, Oswego and Section 6. observations and Prognostications. MORNIN? OBSERVATIONS.

SIGNAL CORPS OFFICE, THE COURTS. UNITED STATES COURTS. Next Monday the court will take up the admiralty docket. United States vs. Miller Ogden, indicted for dealing in counterfeit money.

Recognizance taken in the sum of $500. United States VS. one copper still, etc.Judgment of forfoiture. This property is located in Harrison county and belonged to Jacob Pierce. COMMON PLEAS COURT.

William J. Farrar vs. A. Van Tuyle. -Verdiet for the defendant.

This was an action, to recover $50. The defendant alleged in his petition that he loaned tho defendant a gun whon in good order and that when said gun was returned one of the barrels WAS bursted, whereby it cost $50 to put in a new barrel. The defense was that the gun Was not in good order when loaned. Waldemer Otis vs. B.

F. Robinson and J. E. Robinson. -Verdict for the plaintiff for $807.70, as against both defendants.

Ohio in bebalf of Mary. Law vs. James Shon. proceeling. Verdict of guilty as churged.

Dofeudant ordered to pay to be paid by December 1st, $100, by February 1st, 1880, and $100 by April 1st. Ohio vs. James Kelley, indicted for grand of guilty; value of money fixed at $51. 1 5 POLICE COURT. Drunk--August Hosman, Ed Wolf, Jenniod Briggs, John Fitzgibbons, 83 and costs; John Hayes, two days' imprisonment; Robert E.

Chapman, one day's imprisonment, Vagrancy-Charles King, thirty days in the Workhouse. Violating railroad law-Michael Cary and Eugene Kerrigau, costs. (rand larceny--Frank Lyons, turned over to the Sheriff of Ashtabula county. IN AND OUT-DOOR SPORTS. Turf, Field, Stream and Table.

TIE BILLIARD TOURNAMENT. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. -The sixth game. of the billiard tournameut was between Heiser and Daly.

and was won by the latter; score 300 to 184; winner's average, 13 7-11; Daly's highest run, 56; 75. The next game was played by Ru-4 dolphe and Sexton and was won by Sexton; score 300 to 257; winuer's average, 8 1-3: highest runs, Sexton, 53, Rudolpho, 51. The eighth game was between Schaefer and Garnier. The former won by a score of 300 to 90; winner's average, 23.1-3. Schaefer's best run 31, Garnier's 41.

3 ONCE MORE. ROCHESTER, Nov. -Hanlan and Courtney have agreed to row a five miles race on the Potomac near Washington, Tuesday, December 9. Each is to put up five hundred dollars forfeit as a guarantee to start in the race. Blaikic will be referee.

Both Hanlan and Courtney expect to start for Washington next week. How to Succeed as a lunter. A party of gentlemen went hunting thic other day in the vicinage of Cleveland. The only game brought home consisted of three rabbits, which one of the party bore in triumph. But it was found out that before starting on the expedition he bought the rabbits on the market here, then while on the hunt' he separated from his companions, fired his gun three times while out of their sight and produced the rabbits.

Ask Charley Kress about it. WEST SIDE NOTES. Ohio City, now the West Side, was annexed to Cleveland on June 5th, 185-t. A large brick addition is built to the American Irou Foundry Detroit being, street hill. The charity concert given last evening at the Franklin Avenue M.

L. Church was a complete success both musically and financially. A new platform is being built around the water works The old platform was unsafe. Don't deceive yourselves. "Dr.

Sellers' Cough Syrup" for the cure of coughs and colds has no equal. Sold by druggists at 25 cents, Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers of real estate bave been filed for record since our last re port: Catharine Smith to Matthias J. Moskopp and wife--Front ou Smith avenue, 30x110 feet; $400. E.

1'. Ingraham and wife to J. H. Broad. well--Part of original lot No.

401; $3,000. WV. M. Kimball and wife to carry S. -Partof ten- acre lot No.

49, located on Willson avenue; $3,000. Catharine Smith to William Smith and wife--Front on Smith avenue, 30x110 feet; $400. Charles M. Peterson and wife to Harriet Palmer -Front on Brecksville road, 50x175 feet; $700. VeranusDewey to Adam Boles-Twentyfive acres of land in lot No.

55, Brecksville, $775. If you don't know what ails you take no medicine into your stomach. l'ut on an Egyptian Pad and you can't go astray. Your Attention, Ladies. The health of German ladies, and especially of the upper classes, is provorbial.

It is chiefly attributable to the use of the fa-: mous Vienna Female Tea and Pills, now in-, troduced to your notice. For all your delicate: maladies and weaknesses it is an unfailing remedy. Follow the example of your German sisters. Wholesale by Strong, Cobb retail by 9. P.

Churchill. 1. TOT arre. FINANCE AND COMMERCE for to By 82 or of FINANCE. The Local Money Market.

November 14. local money market remains There is considerable doing in discounts and a fair demand for currency and New York and foreign exchange. The banks report themselves in condition to accommodate everybody who comes with good paper. Clearances a little better than yesterday. GOLD AND BONDS.

Corrected daily by E. B. Halo Bankera, No. 111 Superior street.) The closing prices in this market for gold and government securities, are given in the following table: Buying. Selling Sixes of 1581, New os, 103 Now New 1s, coup.

and To-Day's New York Bond and Stock Market, By Telegraph to the P'LAIN DEALER, 1 p.m." Money at 7 per cent. Sterling Exchange steady Silver in London ver ounce: silver bar here Gold and Subsidiary Silver Coin per cent. discount. Governments Arm and higher. Railroad Bonds icactive.

State Securities dull. Stocks irregular. Rock Island 149 .170 Cleveland Pitta 104 St. Louis San F. Kansas St: L.

S. F. 57 Chi. St. L.

N. O. 15 Lst prefered 73 10. St. NO pre Union Pacific.

Kansas Pacific 90 Northern Houston 533 Northern Pac pre. 604 Boston Air Western Bos. Air Line pref. Atlantic Pac Tel. 47.

St. L. K. C. 16 Wabash.

St. L. K. C. N.

Adams' Express. 107 Burlington Qu'y 120 1 Wells, Fargo Co New York Central.131⅞ American Express Harlem 160 S. Lake 102 Southern. Michigan Central, 96 Erie Northwestern Erie Northwestern pref St. Paul St.

Paul St. 1'. Sioux City Delaware Lack. St. P.

S. C. pref. Delaware Jorsey Central Ohio Mississippi. Ches'eake Ohio.

171 Ohio Miss. 59 Mobile O. 83 C. I. Ind.

Cin. Lafa'e. 14 Bur. C. R.

til Hannibal St. Joe Iron Han St. Joe pref 07 Chicago 99 Nash Chi. Alton pref 114 GOVERNMENT BONDS. 63.0 of 181, l5s, new, do coup ....106 do New reg 4s, do coup.

do coup Currency The subjoined table--also corrected by E. B. Hale to-day's opening and closing prices of the antive stocks dealt in at the Now York Stock Exchange: Opening. Closing Western 107 Pacific Adams' Express Wells, Fargo Co American Merchants' 62 62 U. S.

N. Y. Central. 130 46 Preferred. Michigan 96 97 Union hake N.

J. Central. 89 89 Illinois 03 Fittsburgh. 105 105 Chicago 100 100 C. C.

C. 8t; 83 Canada Southern. 771 Rock 140 1.19 St. Preferred. 102 102 Toledo Wabash 591 Ohio 203 Lack.

Atlantic Pacific 48 Hannibal St. 10 Preforred. COBIMEROE. 5 1 Tho Local Flour, Grain and Produce Markets. CLEVELAND, November 14.

The markets to -day present a lively appearance and there is considerable movement in all lines, The Flour market is steady and quite firm to-day; there are 110. changes to noto in present Porkis very firm and prices higher to-day; Short Mess is quoted at $11 and Extra Short Clear. $13. Lard, llams, Dc. Potatoes are considerable stronger to-lay, and we feel fully warranted in changing our quotations to for Peachblows from the store; Early Itose, 45 Butter and Eggs are both a little weaker to day, and considerable stock in market; prices on Butter are being held up, but we do not than though 2Sc was asked in tho think wo are, warranted in quoting higher market to-day.

There is a tendoncy toward lower prices and the weather is against both. Buttor aml Eggs to holl. Cheese is firm and in good request and market fairly stocked. Onions are a little weaker and are quotable at Poultry is picking up some as Thanksgiving draws near. Chickens are selling at Turkeys, Geese, 05c.

The market is firmer than it has been for several days. Green Apples steady at 2.50 per bbl and in fair request for good winter stock. Hay market quiet and firm. Cranberries are called for and bring $7.50 a $9.00 for good quality. Chestnuts a little! weaker but no change in quotations.

Sugars are down a little to-day in sympathy with New York market. The following aro the wholesale selling prices, which are carefully revised and corrected each day. The report of the sales of Grain always inlicates the prices from store anless otherwise designated: FLOUR--Market firm. We quote: City makes. XXX best White Wheat, XXX White and Amber Wheat, XX No.

1. Amber Wheat, $6.75. COUNTRY BRANDS- White XX, Bed XX and Amber, Iced $5 Spring, Wisconsin soft, Minnesota, $0.000 0.50; Patent Process, $7.000 9.00. FLOUR--Steady. and in good demand: held at MILL FEED--Firm; Coarse Middlings, $16.00 per tou: Second Fine, Fine, Shorts, Brau, $14.00: Chopped Food, $19.00 (0020.00.

WHEAT-'The market is more settled: No. 1 red held at $1.28 for No. 2 and $1.20 for No. 3: $1.27 for No. 2 mixed.

OATS Firm at 37c 9 for No. 1 state: 35c for No. 2 do: 38c for white. CORN--Market firm at 4Se for low mixed: 49c for high do. RYE- Fair inquiry at 82 2 85c for good to choice No.

2. 1 BUCK 3.50 22 cut. is some inquiry: State held at 75e Western and Canada 80c, BEEF -Steady at $10.00 per barren for mess. PORK--Firm; trade is very fair; Mess. Short Mess, Extra Short Clear Prime.

$9.25. LARD--Market very firm; city rendered Te in tierces; in kegs; country rendered SMOKED MEANS--Are held very firm; Hams. 9c; Heavy Hams, Shoulders Baton, Dried Beef. 10c: Country made Hams do Bacon do Shoulders BUTTER--The market is firm and the demand good; receipts are fair; held at 210 Roc for good to choice; for choice and very nice; low grades in fair request, held at for common to medium; for prime: Creamery held at market firm and steady at for Ohio; York State. -Receipts light; prices firm at 18220c for fresh stock in barrels and crates.

POTATOES--Receipts good: and market steady winter stock is firm and the best qualities are held at per bushel SWEET P'OTATOES-Market strong and prices steady at $3.2503. SUper barrel, very firm. fair: tho receipts are light and the prices firmer; Chickens. live, herd at Turkeys Ducks Geese 70c each; dressed, nominal Dauvers are held at $3.00 003-254 barre', with fair demand and a firm market. TEAS--Firm.

at $1.90 for Wisconsin and Marrowfats. CEMENT -Quiet but flrm at the following figures: Akron, $1.20, Buttalo, Fayetteville, Louisville. Portland, Bosendale, $1.30. SALT--The following are the present figures for Salt at wholesale in this market; Dairy, Dairy FF :8, bags, Dairy 60. bags, Dairy 100, 3 bags, Ground Solar.

Coarse Diamond C. Diamond F. 81.75: per sack. 52.80; small sacks, 850; Higgins, per sack, Fine Onuadaga, new, Michigan fine salt, new. $1.33 per bbl.

A discount of bc per barrel is al lowed on salts in large orders for cash. BEANS- Very firm, hand picked Marrows 2.10; medium Hand picked Navy $1.25 SEEDS -Market steady and firm: Clover held at $5.00 tor medium; $5.4505.50 for pea vine: Timothy, demand fair at per bushel; Alsike Clover Red Top Orchard Grass $1.00: Hungarian Grass Millet $1.30.. and in good demand; 800 for raw and 83c for steady and firm; Linseed active boiled. ard White, I car lots Sc. Standard White, 120 deg.

quiet but steady; Stand104c, 130 deg. Prime, 150 deg. 173 deg. 10c; Water, 150 deg. Indiana test, LEMONS -Market firm and light stock; held steady at 85.7520.05 per box; receipts are very small ORANGES -Prices firm, but the stock is fair; held at 8,50 per 5.00 per box.

WHITE LIME -Good demand and steady; held at 80c barrel in car lots: 75c ty barrel in large lots. WOOL- There is no change in prices and the market is firm at as the average for good to choice grades. HONEY--Fair request at 10c per pound in the comb: 13c strained. HAY--Tho market steady and firm; A good "Ah! you have gone into the wholesale business, have you?" was what a customer exclaimed yesterday on entering our store. Our reply was: "No, not exactly that, but when one store furnishes clothing for the greater part of Cleveland, and the country for 'a hundred miles around, it stands us in need to keep a large stock on hand to supply the wants of all sizes and classes of STRICTLY ONE PRICE! HULL 127 129 Ontario Street, near the Public Square.

AMERICA STILL FIVE AWARDS WERE MADE TO IN THE BEST THREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES At the Cincinnati Industrial Exhibition. 1879, INCLUDING THE Blue Ribbon and the Only Medal For SUPERIORITY" of Six Cord Soft Finish SPOOL COTTON. ASK FOR ITI TRY MED COFFEES AND SPICES, 107 and 109 BANK of the celebrated ORIENT COFFEE, which is stance to increase weight. By our method of Their SPICES are all of the choirest quality. the STERLING BAKING POWDER.

All goods grocers. December; $1.18 January: $1.03 for No, 3: 90c for No. SUe for rejected: receipts 800 bush: shipments 59,000 bush. Corn dull at for No. 2.

Oats firm at for No. 2. Iye steady at 69c for No. 1. Barley dull at for No.

2. OINCINATI, demand at 36.006.700. Bulk Meats and Bacon CINOINNATI. Nov. 14 -Pork Arm.

Lard in good unchanged. HIGHWINES, NEW YORK, Nov. -Whisky $1.15. CINCINNATI, Nov. in fair demand at $1.07.

BALTIMORE, Nov. quiet at CHICAGO, Nov. 14. -Whisky $1 10. ST.


strong and bigher; No. 2 spring Decomber; bid Janunary. Corn strong at 4240 cash; January: 439c Oats firmer al 329gc cashi: November. "Rye lower at 690. Barley To strong and higher at $10.00 November; $11.25 January.

Lard strong and higher at $0.15 cash; $7.00 bid January. LIVERPOOL. Nov. P. LIVERPOOL.

135. Wheat--Western Western red winter white wheat club is10d. Corn Oats Usel. Barley 553d. Pork 364.

Lard "lallow 40s. Bacon Beef 858. leas 7shd. Cheese 603. Pardridge 301 303 Euclid Avenue.

The large business we. have done during the last month compelled us togo Last for the fourth: time this season, from whor* we have just returned, after purchasing the largest stock which was ever shown in Cleveland. We have put sale this day Gents' Shirts and Drawers piece 25 upward. cts Our 50c Shirts and Drawers beat have anything ever you seenin this city. Ladies' Pants and Vests from 40c upward.

A full line of Children's Underwear from 15c up. HOSIERY- -Wo select have stock the of (tents', cheapest and Ladies most and Children's Hosiery at astonishingly low prices. Our, DRESS GOODS STOCK is sell inmense. We A splendid quality at .8 cents French Novelty at 10 cents, .15 cents Coburg Heavy Cloth, all shades, cents Corded Poplins at. la cents at Novelties 75 at 35 cents, which you think cheap cents.

An endless variety of Colored Cassimeres and finer grades of Dry Goods-Lupin's Black Cashmeres from 45 cents np. The publio in general is well aware that we are selling the cheapest Cloaks, Dolmans, Circulars and Shawls and bought a therefore large need only to mention that we just for stock of an Eastern manufacturer a customers mere song and we will certainly give our the benefit of said bargain. Open every Saturday until 9:30 P. PARDRIDGE 301 303 EUCLID AVENUE. HOLIDAY PRESENTS.

Foot Rests, Fire Screens, Banner Screens, A PINE TOP TABLES, FOOT STOOLS. MANTEL BOARDS, PAPER BASKETS, UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, 0 Made up at by Lowest the Possible Prices A. S. HERENDEN FURNITURE Christmas Presents. DEPOSITION NOTICE.

TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. in the Court -Sylvanus of Lackey Common against Melinda Lackey, Pleas. Petition for Divorce. The said defendant will take notice that on tiff the will 10th take day the of December, 1879, the said plainto be used as evidence depositions on of sundry witnesses, the trial of above cause, Ontario at the county, store in of L. R.

Lombard, in Orleans, the hours of 8 in the state of New York, between noon of said day, the and to morning and 5 in the afterto day, between the same bu continued from day HUTCHINS hours, till completed. Attorneys for CAMPBELL, Plaintiff. GLOVES. VERY 300 Kid and dozen Men's Cloth Gloves: 300 Chinchilla Gloves; 100 dozen dozen Men's Buck Men's and Gloves; and 3 Mitts: 300 dozen Men's Wool Mitts Gloves These goods are cases Scarlet Shirts and Drawers, offer them scarce and have advanced. We cheap to the trade.

M. Ealle do 147 WATER tise, IS THE TINE TO ADVER- Wholesale Dealers in TEAS' STREET, CLEVELAND, OIIIO. S. C. are proprietors roasted without glazing, or any other foreign sub.

roasting the natural flavor of the coffee is retained. They also manufacture Mustard, Cream Tartar and bearing our name warranted. For sale by leading AMUsem*nTS. on the northeasterly side of Kinspian street and 605 feet and inches deep. Appraised at $10,800.

EUCLID AVENUE OPERA HOUSE. LAST THREE PERFORMANCES Of the Eminent Tragedian, JOIN McCULLOUGH! Supported by the popular actor 1 RED. and a most powerful con any, the management of Wr. W. Conner.

Friday Evening, November 14th, BRU 3 Or, THE FALL OF TARQUIN. SATURDAY quest MATINEE, of the 2 p. ladies, by special re VIRGINIUS. SATURDAY EVENING, November 15th, by unanimous TILE GLADIATOR. Monday, November 17th, DENMAN THOMPSON AS JOSHUA WILITCOMB.

Box office open for sale of Den. Thompson tickets Thursday morning, November 13th. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. JOHN A. ELLSLER Positively Last Three Nights and Grand Matinee Saturday, November 13th, 14th and 15th, 1879, EVANGELINE COMBINATION The Thursday, aud Saturday Evenings, superb Musical Extravaganza, from Lord isy ron's Exquisite Roem, CONRAD, THE CORSAIR, AND HIS BLOOMING.

BRIDE, With all the Original Superb Costumes, Grand Chorus, Enlarged Orchestra and full strength of the Evangelive Company in the cast. SATURDAY MATINEE, positively for the last time the American Opera Boune Extravaganza With all the original music by Edward E. Rice. MATINEE PRICES-Orchestra and Dress Cirele 50 cents; Family Circle 25 cents. MASTER'S SALE.

THE Cuyahoga STATE OF OlIO, County, SS. MASTER'S of an order of sale issued to from the the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on the 6th day of November, A. D. 1879, in a certain action therein pending wherein Ferdinand Welsh, Administrator of the estate of Randall Crawford, deceased, is plaintiff and Thomas S. Paddock, den Martin L.

Paddock, Jane Paddock, A. S. lerenFurniture Company and J. H. lthodes, lieceiver of Euclid Avenue Opera House are defendants, and directed and delivered to me, 1 shall offer for sale at public auction at the south door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, December 13th, 1879, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning of said day, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: Situated in.

the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as the northwesterly half of the folupon lowing the north described side property, VIZ: Commencing of Kinsman street at a point seven hundred ani ninety -eight and one-fourth feet easterly from the center of Park north street, thence south east 144 feet; thence east 005 leet; 29 inches; thence north west 144 feet; thence south east 005 feet inches to the place of beginning. The pieco laud intended to ve described being 72 feet front Terins of sale, cash. SAMUEL M. EDDY, INGERSOLL Master Commissioner, novi4 OwE WILLIAMSON, Plaintiff's Attorneys NOTICE. AURELIUS AND ANN Aurelius, residents of Chattanooga, in the state of Tennessee, are hereby notitied that the tiled undersigued, on the 27th day of September, 1879, in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga tition county, recites Ohio, the his petition against them, which peexecution aud delivery by them to dated the undersigned of their promissory note, payable one September 21 st, 1876, for the sumot $1,050, cent.

per annum, year after and date, with interest at 8 Cer that date their certain mortgare of or conveying to the undersigned, his, heirs wit: assigns, Situate the in following descrived premises, toCuyahoga and state of Ohio, of and Cleveland, known as county sublot of city, No. original 06 in lot 456, Justus in Hamilton's allotment of part of jecc to a clause of the township defeasance of Newburgh; subthat said conveyance should be therein annulled on providing the delivery payment of of said said note mortgage according to its terms; the county for record; to the Recorder of said and prayiug for the judgment non paymeut of said note; $1,122 thereon for the sum of 1879, the 21-100, taking with of an interest from August 2d, cured by said account of the amount seises for the satisfaction mortgage and thereof, the sale and of said prem' of attachment his been issued in that said an a rder tion Said on or defendants before are the required to answer said peti3u day of January, 1880. HENRY CLAUS. Noveniber BY 13, HENDERSON 1879. KLINE, his Attorneys.

nov14 OwE SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, Cuyahoga County, SHERIFF'S -Pursuant Court of an order of sale issued from the Common Pleas of said county, and to Ind vs. directed, John in Grueble the action et of William Schmitz plaintiff, defendants, 1 shall offer for Court sale at House, public auction, city in front of the County Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, on county of Cleveland, Friday, the 10th day of December, A. D. 1879, between the hours of o'clock and 3 o'clock p.

m. of said day, the following described lauds and tenements, to wit: as Situate sublot in said county of Cuyahoga and know number nineteen, (19) in A. Botzerhard and George Stepheu's allotment of a part of lots numbers two and three (3) in Diodate Clark's allotment of a part of original lot number sixtyfront seren in Brooklyn towuship, being forty-tive feet on Clark avenue and extending back of equal width one hundred and thirty and feet. Terms Appraised of sale, at cash. $1,000.00.

JNO. 00. M. WILCOX, Sheriff. IIENDERSON KLINE, Attorneys for 4 drat.

-u -I.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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